Wednesday, December 30, 2009

HAHAHA! I named the white bear No name... bear with the christmas hat (from erika and kahleong) small thing. And the big bear im holding. BIG THING! :)

11:17 PM

Friday, December 25, 2009


You know... when I was in church today, after service... I was hoping people could go out with me, while I was giving out the christmas cards. Like... I had nothing to do today la. So it was quite sad. Then tianyi told me to go youth room so he could teach me the power chords la. So i was like 'okay'.. since the people will still be there later.

So when I was in the youth room. Kit sing was there! :) Tianyi was teaching me power chords. And I couldn't really get it right... Then zenghui nicholas and... benedict (pearlyn's brother) were there. So ya... THEN JASLYN CAME IN. AND SAID THAT EVERYONE LEFT FOR MOVIE. Wah. WITHOUT ME EH. Well so i was thinking 'okay.. I guess I can meet up with them after learning guitar' Or I could just go out with nicholas zenghui or sth. So ya... tianyi continued to teach me though it was REALLY hard for me to focus with jaslyn coming in and answering phone calls from my mum saying she wants us back home by 3. Wahhh... super sad. super duper sad. But there was this GLIMPSE of hope. That they were still in vivo or sth.

So ya. We got out of the church la. And jaslyn said we had to go home now. Honestly it just made me soooo sian la. But I was thinking 'MAYBE THEY WATCHING MOVIE IN JP!'.. CAN MEET UP WITH THEM. Wah. Prayed so hard that people would be free today. like. Can meet up with me or sth. wahhh.

Then on the bus.. i was looking for chris chang's card. So I was like 'shit. i think i lost it'. cause he told me he wrote for me. So i called him AND HE DIDNT PICK UP. wahhh. i was super.. In my head I was like 'great. he's watching the movie alr'. And i was... wahhh.

Then then then. We went to jp la. And apparently, no one were there. Like... jaslyn didnt go 'OH THEY'RE AT THE MOVIES' or whatever. So honestly it justDESTROYED ME. So ya. I didnt get christmas presents yet la. So I was hoping I could get some for my family. And also stalling time so I dont have to go home to see my dad's friends.. (mum wanted us to go home to entertain dad's friends).

AND THEN RIGHT. JASLYN KEPT KEPT KEPT on rubbing it in. 'It's okay la... it's okay to celebrate with ur family......' And i said 'even if there are fat people'. AHAHAHA! Inside joke. HAHAHAHA!.

So yeah. On the bus back home. i was seriously reluctant to go la. I was like 'i cant believe i didnt even get to go eat lunch with my church friends...'. wah.. that feeling is super... It's like sadness anger... hai.

So ya. AND THEN. IT WAS RAINING WHEN WE REACHED THE BUS STOP. and then... when i wanted to wait for the rain to stop. Jaslyn JUST CROSSED. Wah.. So obviously I had to follow. Since it was the road and all. And something that pissed me super badly was that my cards got wet. like some of them. just the envelope though. WAHHHHHHH.

Then we had to cross another long road. And I just stopped there and went 'Jaslyn dont cross' IT WAS RAINING. But it became better and we crossed la. But it was still super wet. And i was grabbing onto the plastic bag like siao. Like so that my things wouldnt get wet. Hai.

So when we were at the basement. I was... 'im gonna write on facebook that.. this is the worse birthday ever...' But I wouldnt la. of course. Cause... Honestly I was damn sian alr. i didnt even want to entertain whoever guests. I just wanted to go home and just sleep. Then when i was in the lift I was seriously gonna cry when I reached home or sth. This stinks la. it's like.. You cant even go out with your friends on your birthday. Like... wah. And you've got to entertain people. That feeling is... Quite sad la.

So I was at the door. Put my shoes alr. Then Jaslyn passed me the keys and asked me to open. So i was rather annoyed. I was like thinking that she wanted me to open so I could entertain the people first or sth. Damn sian. And I just open. Drenched. Sad. Angry.

And then....

I opened the door. And i heard happy birthday. Then I thought it was like my dad's friends being weirdos or sth. Then... i saw Jessica. And I was.... then I saw alot of colours. Im sure I saw more ppl but she seemed the most obvious at that time. Wah that feeling was. Too overwhelming.
So sad. Angry. wah.
And honestly words cant describe how I feel la. It's just too. Great. Like. wah. I . Wah.
So I couldnt contain my emotions la. And started crying outside. Didnt go in yet. So I went in. And SO MANY PEOPLE FROM YOUTH WERE THERE. I was... wow.

Then someone told me to go to my room la. I was toooooooooooooo crazy dizzy to say 'NO' or anything la. I just blur blur follow. So ya. I opened the door. my rv friends were there. On my bed.. on the floor. In my room.
It was seriously like a dream and all.

Like though it sounds cheesy and all.
My family... My classmates... My friends from school... my church friends.
It was. It was just a MIX OF ALL. It was a ... wow.

And I was still super dizzy and all. after a long while..

I guess it was quite sian after that. Like ppl didnt have things to do. BUT. SUPER SENIOR SO COOL! hahahahaa.

Ate. Played basketball...

Best.. Birthday.. Ever....

Wah. I still can... wah. That scene.

Thanks all. Wow. Really. thanks.

(I'm really glad I came to know God. I'm glad that people from youth are so sweet. That I got into Rv and met friends like these. I'm glad that I have a great family a great sister and great friends. This is an AWESOME birthday. Thanks... :))

10:10 PM

Sunday, December 13, 2009

HEHEHE! After all the counting downn... FORWARD IN FAITH YEAH! Camp is TOMORROW! yes.


Genting was so cold my lips dried up and cracked. And there's BLOOD.
It's quite cool la. But I can't smile. So it's quite annoying.

At KL I was quite disappointed. The things were.... disappointing. HAHAHA! Like. Those shirts are super.... And the pants are super short. REALLY SHORT UNTIL CANNOT SHORT LIAO.

Oh well. Nice experience. The car trip was long.
Im glad to be a singaporean. Like when I reached home and saw my home... I realised it was SO SO SO SO MUCH better than that hotel... EVEN if they have shower caps. :)
OH RIGHT! Me and jaslyn didnt bring toothbrushes. Then my dad's colleague had to go dunno where to buy cause genting's watsons out of stock. :) SO NICE! Yup.

Maybe I should upload photos. But then... it would be after camp...
And after camp, everyone would be so hyped up about the camp. :)
And the photos and the fun and everything. :)

But Im feeling quite weak and tired now.


7:49 PM

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Pizza hut was nice! :) HEHE!

HI GINA! Lol. She was so scared that she destroyed my floor and everything. So now she's worried that her dad/mum not calling her. It's really ironic. hmmmm.
MY DIRTY LITTLE SECRET! (I like that song. especially in rock band.)
WOOOOOO! 11 days left to camp. (Now gina is making fun of my math.... FUNNY)
I like sandwiches. Sardines... tunas....
No money alr. :(

7:01 PM