Monday, August 31, 2009

Woke up at like. 5 sth today. Super tiring. Dont know why. So went to school. With this big bulky guitar. Very. Very. Annoying. Oh well.

Aces day was fun. I guess. Jialiang's good at kicking the chapteh. chapteh right? no idea. anyway. paper ball and chapteh was. actually. it was really tiring. HAHAHA. bend down. pick up. sweat.
Then they made us gather. And I couldn't breathe. Soooo stuffy. So I stood up straight and tried to get some fresh air by looking into the sky and breathing and stuff.

Concert was. Hmmmmm. Dont know how to describe. It was okay. But come ON! The people behind kept asking us to shuddup. And the people infront was showing the signal the 'F U' hand signal thing. Sian... Just cause we were cheering. And my cheer happened to be super high pitched. And HEY. Isa's cheer wasn't even high pitch. and it wasn't that loud.
Ohwell. I think. A funny scene was that when the band played. Some teachers were covering their ears. I thought it was really nice though. The performances. Even samuel.

So anyway. Went back to class. Wanxuan is GOOOD. She made us wait. ohwell. Hahahaha. I went back to school after that. After waiting like dont know how long. FINALLY. We get to go in. It's the same school i had from p1 - p5. But then, it was renovated. So.... when i was p6 and sec 1 it's some other school. Anyways. It's uber cool. It looks even nicer than my secondary school. haha. it's big. The classrooms right. it feels like as you grow older, you get cooler classrooms. (Y). And the field... basketball court... WAH. super cool. then their staffroom is nice. Miss tan went to go around the world. I think. And Mrs Sim is on maternity leave. OKIE!

It felt good to see your old classmates. Your old friends. Like I NEVER KNEW HUIQI LAUGHED THAT MUCH. Hahaha. Okok. Maybe she did. I just forgot. Clarissa's still quiet (anti social. EHEM.). Cindy's still miss lion head. AND WOAH! HOWARD'S TALLER THAN ME NOW. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I find it SOOOO cool. It's insulting in a way. But they grew up. :D So im glad.

Marcus is like. 180? Issit? Whatever. Show off. DUDE. YOU WERE SHORTER THAN ME ONCE. And wheee! Even melvin grew taller.

It's like the 'GROW' season. Their characters seem to be the same. It's quite fun. Seriously.
Anyways. IM HAPPY.

And even Jaslyn's ex classmates. Oh wait. No. Some of them changed. Darryl became nicer. HAHA. William has no braces. HUIQUN IS A PREFECT.

Im happy happy happy. :D

9:07 PM

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tomorrow. I hope it would be fun.

I can't wait to see my primary school friends.

Longer post tomorrow. I hope. Or soon. :D

9:58 PM

Thursday, August 27, 2009

there's morning run tomorrow. Im getting so tired. :(

No sleep. I guess. K im gonna go off com soon to cont h/w. :(
Wah very tiring.
Very very tiring.

I gotta delete things from phone. oooops.

I replaced my E string. haha. OKAY. low batt. BYEBYE.

10:34 PM

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It came to me that people are always supporting me. Maybe not all... But well. Enough to make me motivated.
It can be through words... actions... facial expressions. Like. Last year. I was completely down on myself. I wanted to give up on like. Everything? There was this point of time where my friendship was screwed like shit. And results screwed like shit. Flute playing - dont even talk bout it.

And then. I wanted to give up on myself for good. Of course not to the extend of jumping off a building. But actually to the extend of like. Stop playing with flute. Dont bother to talk to friends anymore. And like. (okay. not studying is normal). AHHH! I know. Not studying EVEN when it's one day before the exams.

But then. These people showed up. (Listing a few hereee.)
For studying... Okay. I still dont like studying. hahaha. I guess. I'll have to say Jaslyn. She's working hard now. So when I like. Play games. I'll rmb to like. Go do my homework. hahaha. :D THAT IS GOOD.

For flutes. I'll have to thank rachel. Wah. I tell you. if i were her. i would totally slap this stupid girl called kathleen oh. She cant even count. Cant read rhythm. Cant even play when u ask her to. But then. I found it amazing that. When I feel like. Uber down on myself. She'll give me a hug. And then whenever during combines. She'll remind me that I can in fact do it. AND SOOOO. Though I STILL SUCK. It won't be as easy as last time to break me down and make me cry (ehem. siwei. HAHA!)

For friends. Last year this year. Cant rmb when. But like. I was feeling completely left out. You know. Being outspoken really doesnt necessarily mean u have alot of good friends. There came a time when. I open msn. Stare... and then. I realise. That. I really have no one to talk to. Maybe it's cause the ppl i want to talk to are not online. But. Aiya. sad enough la.
Then the thing is that. My friends had... to attend to... other things. And then. They spent less and less time with me.
It was a super bad feeling. I didnt have anyone to go home with. Even if I did, it felt weird. I really rather go home alone.
And then. I started praying I guess. And then soon, it became okay.
AND YAY! I even made new friends.
Like xiumei (sarcastic laughter to me...). Mingfangggg (:D)... vivan... bingda. alot la. I guess.
I still rmb the first week. You know, I totally did not pass interview for psl. HAHAA. I screwed it. And well. All my friends did. Okayokay. Most of my friends did. The friends I ate recess with? SO YES.
The very first day. Second day? dont know which one. I went for recess alone. Still being unable to swallow the fact that the class was missing one super impt person. And then. I ate my food. At the bench... Looked around... Eat. Looked around... Eat. It was P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C. And then. I think the next day. I did the same thing. And like. Most of the guys in the class joined me. WHICH WAS VERY WEIRD ALSO. No idea why. But the presence of kahleong made it better.
But then. After a while. I like to eat with them. Cause it's fun. Even if it's boring at times.
I guess this is one of the many challenges I had. I overcomed it, and made more friends. haha. :)

Yeah so. The point is that I didnt lose my friends and even made more new friends.

Andd well. I was worrying over my studies. Like. I was totally 'MY SCORE IS NO WHERE NEAR 3.5. OH NO.' kind of thing? So one of my friends was like 'it's about quality not quantity. Im taking 8 sub'. Sth along that line la. AND WOW. though it's totally. Short and dont know like what. It impacted me a hell lot.
That never like. Came into my head or anything. Like seriously. If I cant do it. i just cant do it. I cant possible mug like dont know what at last min. And then do well then. Then if I take 9 sub, wont i die? YES I WILL.

Everything is a surprise. Whatever I expected didnt come. Whatever I didnt expect came.

Anyway. You know. There was this talk today. Okayokay. Champs thing bout leadership. And it's about influencing others and stuff like that?
But honestly speaking. if you try too hard, for the wrong things, u're really out. Like. Seriously.

After the talk. A question came to my mind. 'So am I a leader?'. And then an answer came next. 'At times'. You know. Actually, I think that that answer applies to everyone. Whether they know it or not, or whether they think too highly of themselves. Everyone is a leader, but not always one.
It's my opinion. But. Well yeah. I guess you get my point.

Recess. Was. Quiet. Was it?
I miss Gina. She's. Fun.
As in. Maybe it's hard to concentrate in class with her. But then, when I was in the same group as her in science, I found it quite funny. Maybe cause she calls me and shouts in my ear and complains that im damn loud, that's why im used to it. OR MAYBE, cause she reminds me of my mum, and I just smile and dao. hahaa. But. Well yeah. She adds on to my laughter and happiness.

And then while she was gone. Isa, Cy, SJ said they didnt miss her. Which I thought was rather weird. Anyway. Then I asked them if they missed me. And they answered sth... I can't rmb. But they most probably didnt. I guess. SO WELL.

Oh I just pissed Jaslyn off. oops.

Oh well. Tomorrow home econs. we're cooking some funny funny thing. :D

10:17 PM

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tomorrow's a monday. That's so fast. AND THEN. IN A BLINK OF AN EYE. I'LL BE OLD. AND HAVE KIDS.

HAHAHA. nahhh. In a blink of an eye, i'll still be staring at the com. :D
IM TRYING TO PLAY LORD OF LORDS ON THE GUITAR! yup yeeeep. And I think I should delete the things in my phone. Taking up ALOT of space. sian. so retarded. 18 mb free.

I like the song you raise me up. anyway. my fingers are hardening. especially my left ring finger. WOOOTS! maybe it wont hurt so much next time i play the guitar.

SHIT. I JUST REALISED. I got stupid remedial homework. UGHHHH. So annoying. 9 44. Hmm. Gotta find geog article. Is this the eupho solo?haha. kk. :D

Have u eaten small frozen grapes? They taste nice. :)
So funny. I remembered the first few times I heard band songs. I didn't even know which was flute. So retarded. Anyway. Must continue improving hor. ya.

Im glad those ppl who went for nco training enjoyed it. :) It sure was fun. Right? :)

Anywayyyyy. I gotta go find my geog article. :(

9:40 PM

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Today's a sat... Gotta go out of the housee soon!

Anyway. Didn't post from tuesday to friday.

Tuesday... What did we do... I have no idea.

ANYWAY. i'm starting to enjoy band.

My dad said 'xiao dou dou' as 'xiao yuan yuan'. HAHAHAHAA.
Funny. he's testing me. :D

Wednesday. OOPS! We lost. Hahahaha.

Thursday was fun. Up was nice.
2L guys are rather sweet. :DD

Friday was fun. And tiring too.
Time fliess. Like when I was cleaning instrument. I was like 'WOW. IT'S FRIDAY?'
Ya. that's how fast time goes by.

My dad is telling me how to understand xiao dou dou. Haha.


I'm having fun these days. I LOVE BAND. It's getting hard also la. Like. i sound airy/loud/sharp and can't sightread. So... It's hard. But it's nice too.

I'm happy these days. :D

1:15 PM

Monday, August 10, 2009

You know, I don't know whether it's time for me to create a private blog. Like, I know that there are some things I can't say. Whether it's insulting people, talking bout my feelings, feeling stressed out or whatever.

But... maybe it's good to share too. :)

anyway. I did my homework. :D Left with like. Two? Or more? Hahaha. It's a great improvement. :D Im proud of myself.

I feel like reading. Yet whenever I read, I sleep really late. So... yeah.
I practised my instru today.
I sound horrible.

Maybe it's cause I woke up and just, immediately go play. No warm up or anything. But still, those can be excuses as well.
I'm trying to relax more for piccolo playing. If not it feels very... painful.

Tomorrow's band. The day after tomorrow is... optional band?
I'm SUCH A SUCKY PLAYER. I think i Sound even worse... compared to when I was sec 1(end of the year). Deprove?
Ya I GUESS SO. It feels so sucky. When u realise u sound more airy or when you know that you're supposed to be alot better than this.

And it's not only band isn't it?

My academics suck too. Yes it sucks.
I don't even want to talk bout physics.

Things aren't going that well currently. Are they?

5:04 PM

Sunday, August 09, 2009

I thought that alvin's party was really fun. :D *Dumps people in the pool. Oh noooo! hahaha. Not a really good experience for me. really wet la. The whole thing was rather good though. haha.

11:05 PM

Friday, August 07, 2009

Hahaha. Photos. :D

6:56 PM

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

WOOOTS! Section tee man! YAYY! I want a section tee. I'm feeling SOOO full now. Dinner was so filling. Exams coming october. BLA BLA BLAAAAA. Oh well. I feel tired. My homework isn't done. I should post some photos right.. Hmm. I should.
WOOTS. bye.

9:27 PM