Thursday, July 30, 2009

being sick sucks. like seriously. u eat tablets. u stone. And u use the com.
The nice part is that people really care. I feel so loved. Seriously. They'll be like, 'OH MY GOSH. ARE YOU OKAY?'

But today was rather horrible. I did some of my homework. When I was feeling okay that is. But now i just feel like a sweaty sponge. Okay. not THAT sweaty.

I can't believe it. Tomorrow's band photo and i may not go? hai. Im damn sad. really. And like. Tests... you know? I DONT LIKE BEING ABSENT FROM SCHOOL. Once. I was absent from school and i COMPLETELY did not understand that math topic. it was horrible like shit. damn.

So. It was so cool. Shijing's call woke me up in the morning. Then she was like 'U're in bingda's and ks's group. okay?' haha.

Gina after school. Called me. 'Kathleen? u okay anot?' then started telling me bout the things that happened. no one mentioned eng and sci. hehe. HAHA.

Then then. Like one or two hours ago? Msn chats start popping up. And they asked me if i was alright.

OKAY. I shall no longer blog. haha. nightnight.

9:45 PM

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hmm. it's so cool to talk bout mingfang these days.

OKAY. Ming fang. SHE IS THE ULTIMATE FUNNY. Well, when I say that erika is funny, it means that her laughter is freaking contagious and she laughs at everything. BUT SERIOUSLY. Mingfang is a completely different case.


Case 1) I take out my piccolo. And shine it abit. She looks, stares, and says 'Is that a flute?'. So I looked at her. And said 'no... this is a piccolo'. And I took out my flute and showed her how a flute looks like. So I was like 'see the difference?'. And she said 'ohhh. They're both flutes la.' and then I was like. 'DO YOU SEE A DIFFERENCE IN SIZE?' and she said 'OHH! THIS IS A MINI FLUTE'

Case 2) (I think I said this before). But. When I draw her, she'll open her eyes really big. And say 'draw my eyes big big hor'. HAHAHA.

Case 3) (puppet show at changi... conversation between mingsheng and mingfang)

MS : So you guys going changi?
MF : Yeahh.
MS : watch puppet show ah?
MF : Yup.
MS : Oh. I think need money eh.
MS : Yeah.
MF: Oh. Dont watch lor.
MS : Then you go changi for what?

WELL. Ch*coughs*eapp*coughs*scate. HAHAHAAH.

Case 4) (Conversation between me and mingfang)
Kath : Hey. Mingfang. Raise up your hand and say this. (kathleen says finish her answer)
Mingfang : *raises her hand and simply say everything the SAME without changing at all*

Case 5) Does powerpoint.... HAHA. Mdm tia told her that it's only her 'yu diao' that cost her her one mark. SHOWS THAT SHE IS MONOTONOUS.

Case 6) Tries to sound excited but fails terribly.

Oh well. I can't really rmb anything. Considering that im feeling tired. hahaha. And she's so cute. Rina said I made her noisy. NOW IT'S MY FAULT AGAIN? IS IT? hahaha.


10:06 PM

SICKKK. It's like the third time im sick this year and didnt go to school.

First time was like. Running nose until dont know what. Got fever alsooooo.
Second time was like, puking twice and turning sickk.
Now its, sore throat. and like. 38.1 degrees.

Doctor gave me vitamin cs and some longenzes. JOKE MAN. Medicine costs 10 dollars altogether. Consultation fee is 25 dollars.
35 dollars.

They want to kill me. Seriously. I rather go 7 eleven go get some strepsils. BLEAH.
Sian. But better safe than sorry.

I want to go school. The slackest day of the entire week. AND IM ACTUALLY MISSING IT? THIS IS SHIT MAN.

BLEAHHHH. Class photo was. Fast. It was like. *flash* *FLASHHHH*.

ANYWAY. DID I MENTION THAT SWIMMING WAS AWESOME? Oh my gosh. The people there are so nice. Like the 2H girls. Shermaine? Yup. Siqi? All those people. hahaha.
And some 2I one. AND OF COURSE 2L. HEHEHE.

Im worried bout friday. I didnt practise. My sore throat is getting worse. It's. HOW TO PRACTISE PICCOLO? I can memorise scores la. But... jyjy.

I am sad... Anyway. Math test. HEHEHE. I didn't do one question. I dont understand question 3. Shows that my math sucks. HAHAHA.


I got a new bag. I got a shirt!

I got an mc.



BUT OH WELL. I KIND OF stopped growing. Like. When I was p6 I was 164.7. And now i'm 168. SOOOOOOO. (HEY. WHY IS EILEEN PLAYING WITH MY GUITAR? Sitting on the soccer ball. HAHAHAHA.)


Im seriously bored. How do i survive tomorrow?

:( Kathleen emos.

9:13 PM

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

im damn damn tired.
stupid eye bags are getting worse.

dizzy. WHEEZY.

I hope tomorrow's photo will be nice.
i hope i will do well for math test.
i hope chinese stuff will be good too.

I hope i know how to tie a tie.


10:56 PM

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Have been practising alot.

Anyway. I figured that class blogs are boring to read. Haha. Homework.. Cip. Just a bunch of people writing stuff. Not interesting one. HAHA! No conflicts. :X

I'm evil. hahaha. OOOPS. Not like mine very nice to read. LALALA. I think I screwed ppt today. haha. But NO NO ONE REALISED. Okay. zenghui and nicholas. yes.

I'm boredddd. BORRREDDDDDD. Damn. I want a new bag. :(
Jaslyn's watching some liverpool match tomorrow. But I think she's not feeling well now. So well. May not be a good thing if she watches. I don't know. DAMN! WHY IS IT SO BORING? DAMMIT DAMMIT.

Boooooo. Kathleen CANNOT be bored. ahaha.

Anyway. I just realised how special my section is.

Siwei is definitely gonna be a great sl. In my opinion. And YESS. I should start respecting him. I'm not a very nice junior. :(
Xiaojie is very approachable. Hahaa. Really very nice to talk to at times also. And she teaches me! So that's GOOD!
Yijin is the ultimate hardworking one. haha. I should learn to be more like her. Seriously.
Sarah is so lovable. IF SHE STOPS STARING AT OTHER PLACES. Hahaha. She's nice to talk to also. (wanwen says she looks old. YOUR HAIR LA) hahaha. oops.
Vanessa. Our NEWW COMER TO COMBINES! I'm starting to love her. hahaha. But she ah. HAVE to play. If not I whack her. Hahaha.

I think. I've always looked at other sections and really want to be part of them. But what we never realised is that our own section is really the best. Hai. I really love it now.

I miss Rachel, Sharlene, Wanwen, Xiaohui and Daniel of course. But well. I believe they'll still be there for me after they're gone. So it's okay. YUP.

Now it's... SXYKSV.

Both sounds cool. MUHAHAHA.
AHAHAHAHA. I found out sth cool. Siwei Xiaojie Yijin are like Chinese names. Kathleen Sarah Vanessa are like. English names. Funny. I want a cool chinese name. Mine is so... little girl like. It's like 'KAILING. GUO LAI. LAI MUMMY ZHE LI' Like seriously man.

I'm working hard for flutes. I believe everyone else is too. (VANESSA. TRAIN YOUR FINGERINGSSSS.)

I shall write a long post. My head is hurting. Shit. Nvm.

I shall take photos next time

This innocence. Is BRILLIANT! (Let's sing it together ming fong!)

Kai Si ling is signing off. HAHAHA. Kai Si ling. Seriously. I went to translate my name. And they gave me this funny funny name. Kai ling is bad enough. HAHAHAHA. OOPS.
(parents arent allowed to view this blog.)

HAHAHA! Talking bout parents. My mum totally asked me what facebook is. Should've said. 'Oh. U stick ur head to a book'. Lol. IM DYING OF BOREDOM. THIS IS VERY STUPID. Hahaha. I think she wants to create an acc. (Kathleen shall not add her mum. :D)


12:52 AM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Honestly, I really don't want the seniors to leave. It's gonna be. Sad. Lonely. Bad. Horrible.
All the bad things.

I know that a few of the bandsmen are gonna support the band. But well. Come to think of it, it would also mean that the pillar is not very strong right?
I know Im not gonna be an extremely good player. But hai. It takes practise.

Results for excos and sls/asls came out.

Then, this means that the seniors are gonna leave.

Hai. I feel. Insecured in many ways. But I'm not breaking down or anything.
I think. I should have more faith in myself. Obstacles are defintely gonna come in our way. It's just how we see it.

Sec2s are gonna be Seniors soon. I'm not 'seeing too far'. It's the truth. I was sec 1 just a few months ago. No time to slack.

I believe we bandsmen can all do it. It just takes that bit of hardwork. Even if you're working hard and there's not result. It may either mean that you're not practising hard enough, or you've not realised you've been improving all this while.

Have faith people. We can all do it.

6:52 PM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Today's lessons... Some... I cannot understand. Oh wait. It's kind of cause I couldn't pay attention. My eyes look at the teacher... Answering questions.

But since recess, my muscle cramps hurt like shit. HURT. Poor mingsheng and kahleong and rina and xiumei and mingfang. Lol. I'm like 'UGHHHH'. hahaha. Oh. poor shijing too. and maybe isa.

Recess, Science, english. Wah. my hair was totally standing. it was damn painful. I really had no idea why. Oh well. But today was RATHER fun.

My phone is really getting rather screwed. Dont know what's wrong with it. It received messages like 1 hour late. And It cant send messages sometimes. And sometimes, it just hangs there. siao. sian. stupid phone.

OH WELL. Antenna phone. HAHA. Funny funny funny.

Tomorrow's art. English. Science. Home econs.

Nice subjects. I handed in my draft in soft copy alr. Shall print it out in case she didnt see it. I feel bad. I totally handed in point outline as draft. Now I made some changes! I hope it's good. I checked it a few times over alr.

Science.... Assignment (due on fri)
Chinese... Zhi liao (due on fri)
Math... Assignment (due on fri)

Is that all? haha. Art? and ya. I think. I should sleep more. Maybe tomorrow after rushing through remaining homework. I shouldn't touch the com at all. And go sleep IMMEDIATELY. Maybe i'll sleep at 8? HAHA. Joke. Then I won't eat dinner. funny.

Thursday. Supposedly fun right. Haha. But now I see all the subjects the same. It's all fun.

Anyway. Swimming starts on Monday. I think. No PE? :D

I'm damn tireed. Don't feel like going to school. I'm like. Feeling dizzy. Sian.

Hope I won't have muscle cramps tomorrow. :D
AND YAY. I get to bring food home. WHEEEEE. BYEEE.

11:58 PM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Well. Can't find alot of photos of jaslyn on this com. HAHAHA. Shall do a better job next time. I FIND THIS SO COOL.

5:04 PM

Monday, July 13, 2009

9:31 PM

That girl doesn't look like me. And this girl doesn't look like isa. So yeah. So isa see. :D
HAHAHA. I had fun today. PE was damn tiring. I actually wanted to go home straight. but I ended up having more fun! Rock band is cool. So is the year book. WHEEEE. I need to do homework. SHIT. haha. BYE.

9:00 PM

Sunday, July 12, 2009

6:40 PM

I'm pissed at facebook. It doesn't ever seem to load. hehe.

I like LIO comics. They're sadistic. HAHAA. Lifestyle. I was damn glad that I managed to finish my point outline. With help OF COURSE. HAHA. Well. it's a normal story. Wouldn't really grab MY attention. How can short stories not be fantasies? I Want my toothbrush and comb story. :(

AHHH. I'm hungry. boooo. Hungry wungry lungry bungry. Seems like no one's online. Poor KATHLEEN HAS NO FRIENDS THAT ARE ONLINE. ok.. yugao and marvin. online. HAHA. Ok. Like another 3-4 more ppl. But I don't usually talk to them on msn. So well.

I suddenly have this urge to go do my homework. That is SO NOT Kathleen. HAHA. Well. I guess I would after this.

OH. I NEED TO REDO ART. BOOOO. Haha. My Big teapot and small teapot are like. weird.

OH! I recently read alot of stories from Hans Christian Andersen's web. It's nice. Go search it. Some are rather scary I think. :D


(When is band practice starting again? I hate you h1n1.)

9:40 AM

Friday, July 10, 2009

I played left 4 dead at bingda's house today. It's rather interesting. I just dont like that stupid thing barfing on me and making everything blur. And oh. The light should be brighter. I cant see anything. And the witch should shut up.

WELL. It was fun. Jozhi, Marvin, Bingda, Gina and well. about it. Were fun. HAHA.

I like magic shows too. It's cool. IT'S SERIOUSLY COOL.

Okay nvm. I CAN DO MAGIC. AND CAN DO IT AGAIN (most of the time without failing)! HAHHHHHHH!

11:47 PM

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The thing was that i was walking towards the gate... Then this little boy that was a few metres infront of me RAAAAANNNN to me, stretched his arms infront with his palms facing out, and shouted 'STOP'.

Well. I was damn shocked. and i said... 'uhhhhhh.... okaaaayy'. And I stopped.

Then he remained in that position for a few seconds... and then, swing his two hands to the right and said 'GOOOO'.

And I was like, 'uhhuh'. And I walked off! The mum was like, a few metres behind him.

Funny to the max.

Anyway... what happened in school today?
Hai. I feel damn guilty for what happened.

The thing was that, i was one of the person who was standing up. I was super nervous. Then, I started being very scared, then my heart pumped very fast. Then i talked alot. Then I cried. Then I laughed. Then i felt guilty.

It's not an emotion that I can describe la. I just feel really scared and I cannot stand it when it's so tense. Even my friends couldn't understand. I wouldnt too if I were them. But aiya. I dunno. Some people said I was disrespectful... But trust me, i have no intention of doing that. :(

I'm not currently appearing online on msn as I gotta do my homework later. I'm even using my sister's com so she can come scold me if I use too long. Hehe. She's sleeping now. well...

I think. Even if I dont fail for physics, it's quite confirmed that I'll get quite low grades. I don't really understand the concept right now. Hai. I'm not a logical person.

Hahaha. I kinda like Miss Lim now. She's really nice. (:D)

5:25 PM

Sunday, July 05, 2009

I CANNOT STAND THE BOREDOM. I CNT CNT STAND IT. WAH SEH. I know im supposed to do my homework. but it's so BORING. and it's RAINING so it doesnt help.

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I slept at 4am last night at woke up at 11am. hehe. i was playing with my guitar and watching little mermaid 3.

WAHHHHHHHH. SO BORING. I was reading teenagers digest. And i couldnt concentrate. It's damn quiet la. In this room. I dont know why. Usually I like it alot. And it's rather easy for me to read. IM JUST SO RESTLESS YOU KNOW? WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


I hate sundays. It's not a 'sunny sunday' but rather a 'solemn sunday'. hehehe. do ppl go out on sundays?


3:22 PM

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

today went out with isa bingda jozhi. Played cards! MAGIC! :D *high five bingda*


8:33 PM