Thursday, April 30, 2009

Oh. HI!!!!

Why am i still awake? haha. Cid la.... and 3 assignments for history... and math worksheet.

I'm quite glad that I'm doing my work now, and I dont mind not sleeping. Hahaa. I can sleep tomorrow what. :D NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY!

Chinese rod counting. MY MIND IS SWIRLYYYYYING. ahaha.


2:06 AM

Monday, April 27, 2009



It's 251 AM. And my head hurts. gotta rest. haha.

Last minute chiong cid.
GO KATHLEEN! hahaha. :D

I'm glad I did my homework. I'm so weird. Can only do homework at night. Maybe it's cause it's more quiet and nice to do. Ignoring the fact that I'm extremely tired and somebody like bingda would probably comment on my eyebags again. HAHA! oh well. :D

Yup! I believe I can. I think I have to sleep by 3/4. Have to wake up at 6. :D
Gotta have some rest ya know.

Random post. LAALALAL! OK!

2:51 AM

Friday, April 24, 2009



Yaaaa.. I know you guys are ALL jealous. BUT DONT BE! Cause jealousy is a SIN! HAHAHA! :D
I had a great time. Except for the fact that I puke and ate and puke and ate. DONT BLAME ME! Food too nice.

I'm quite sad I didnt watch seventeen again though. :( I wanna watch.

Andddd OHHHH. Chingyee kahleong Bingda Wanxuan came my house. HEHEEE. Quite fun.

OKAY! gtg. laptop no batt.

12:41 AM

Friday, April 17, 2009

Was the last time I went to the doctor's last year?
Whatever. I'm feeling horrible right now.

Let's see...
10/4/09 -- sorethroat plus fever
11/4/09 -- sorethroat
12/4/09 -- sorethroat
13/4/09 -- sorethroat + soreeyes
14/4/09 -- flu... sorethroat gonna no more!
15/4/09 -- flu cough phlegm
16/4/09 -- went to the doctor. he gave me (throat/cough/flu medicine and antibiotics)
17/4/09 -- feeling dizzy cause of medicine.

Damnnn. so annoying. I hope tomorrow, i wont be so tired. :D YAYYYY!
ANYWAY! Last night. I had this awful nightmare. It was seriously awful. Ok. it went like this. Can't really recall. But should be sth like that.
I was feeling soooo drowsy that I continued sleeping and sleeping on saturday. Then when I woke up, it was 6pm already. And I was damn sad. thinking 'I SHOULDNT HAVE WENT TO THE STUPID DOCTOR! THEN I WONT OVERSLEEP'. Then there was a scene at the busstop. I was waiting there and saw Jaslyn they all come home. So ya. :(

I honestly think it's scary lorrr.. So realistic.
Anyway. History test was strange. I think i totally didn understand the statement at all. AHAHAA. Oh well. :( do better for sa1. more important anyway. :D

Math results was ok la. haha. I learnt two things bout math.
FIRSTLY, do not be careless.
SECONDLY, do not be lazy. HAHAA!
I was so lazy to see where the dotted line went and wrote -10 instead of -9.9. BLEAH.
Hahaa. Ohwell. at least I learn something!

It was damn hard to keep awake today.
My eyes were opening.. SO widely that it hurt. But I was desperately trying to absorb watever the teacher was saying.

I miss my phone. No more photos to be on facebook. Until I get back my phone from the repairman. :(

Trumpet section's so cute. small people! :D TEEHEE!
I had fun today. despite my constant headaches and drowsiness. :D



10:54 PM

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm suddenly feeling the stress pressing me down.
two years flies. And I'm gonna be a senior. In fact, I'm already a senior.

I want my passion for flutes to be as strong as sec one's.
I wanted to learn and learn and learn. Now i just go tired of it.

The passion got back. But I still suck. Why?
My tone isn't that good.
My technique SUCKS.

I want to go forward and do better. Dont worry bout every obstacle. Just go forward and DO IT!
Just do it!

It feels so near. One just ended. Another is coming forward.
these few months where my seniors are still around, I WILL WORK HARD.
And be good. Seriously.

I hope...

9:01 PM

Monday, April 13, 2009

This is getting boring. I got damn sian today.

A silver.


I always manage to break records in the family. Like the drop from at least a 270 for psle to a 250. Around there. SO ANNOYING.

Now it's the damn napha test. nafha.. Hm. no idea. SO ANNOYING.

Stupid pull up.

On the BRIGHT SIDE, i got 180 cm for standing board jump. Which is a GREAT accomplishment since I got 150 for last year's? :D YAY!

And I twisted my neck.

I hate school. :D

OH WELL! Blast!
Haha. Not maany people came. AND I'M NOT RACIST ALVIN!
Okay. But it was quite fun.
I made new friends! And yugao was pale white when he played mr trampoline. funny. :D
I didnt dare go up. This thing with heights.

I'm getting annoyed with my neck. I can't even look to the left....

damn. sucks.

10:11 PM

Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm happy these days.

I can't even believe that i spent most of my sec one life emoing bout strange stuff and getting pissed SOOOO easily. hahaha.

Okaay. I had a fever this morning/afternoon. Im glad it's gone. And life's so perfect. I have a wonderful family. Wonderful friends. And wonderful everything. (except for my gong han failing. :X)

I've been watching some of my friends getting really sad over syf. But as isa said, ''everything happens for a reason''. SEE. So maybe this syf tells us that we have to work harder! TEEHEE! I will. I promise.

Anyways. I can't believe carnival is just tomorrow. and only two of my friends are going. damn sad. Oh well. I LOVE ALVIN AND YUGAO! :D (by the way. tell me if you want to come.)

And I realised recently that I'm actually a very observant girl. :D serious. Unless I dont care at that time. lalala. And thompson road sucks. :D It's non airconditioned. :D


Oh ya. These few days. SOOO many people are getting so stressed out and going keesiao even.
But. Must remember! Life has its ups and downs. So it might be that you're just in the down period for awhile.

Also, SMILE MORE! BE HAPPIER! (cause kathleen likes happy smileys. TEEEHEE!)

I'm really worried bout some of the people close to me these few days. I'm just stoning there doing nothing. (And yes. I stone alot.) BUT YOU CAN TALK TO ME ABOUT ANYTHING! oh. When I get back my phone. Soon. next week? next next week? :( I MISS HAVING A PHONE!

And I think having a baby is so painful. It's like. you have to walk around with this thing that weighs alot for like a few months. And spend dunno how many hours giving birth. And if you have operation, you spends dunno how many weeks to finally heal. So yeah. Love your mums PEOPLE!

You know what. I think i should talk bout something that requires alot of ''thinking'' skills.

I'll try. ;)
Starting... NOW!

hmmm. Honestly right. Whenever I go home. I'll ask the security guard to help me open the gate(cause i dont have the censor card. haha.). But the funny thing is. whenever they help me open the door, and I say thankyou, they would have this broad smile on their faces. And I dont think it's really their job to smile. So this made me think of some possible reasons.

1) They're happy people (But come to think of it. How can you be when you stone there for so many hours?)
2) They like their job (Some? I guess)
3) I was hallucinating (HEHEHE!)

Ok fine. I shall make some POSSIBLE POSSIBLE ones.

1) They want to make our day. (so sweet. :D)
2) They like to be thanked. :D (possible what. Who wouldnt?)
3) They're just nice. :D

Okay. Maybe you guys can tell me the possible ones. hehe. My awesome thinking skills.

AND LIVERPOOL LOST! Jaslyn's so sad.
And I hope Jaslyn's om team would do AWESOME tomorrow and I would be able to watch it. :D

8:49 PM

Friday, April 03, 2009

So... Hmm. yesterday, thursday.

Me, Gina, Yugao, Marvin and Jialiang went to school library to do math assignment together!
Awesome right? ya i know. the math geniuses -- marvin/yugao

Oh well. im not that stupid ok. :D hehe.
So yah. library.
I was waiting for them to complete their first question and so, I DECIDED TO ARRANGE MY MESSY FILE!
And i started crumpling used paper. AND SHOOTING INTO THE RUBBISH BIN!

did u know that i was a good shooter?


And well yeah. gina got stuck with a question and yugao and marvin started helping her. While Jialiang had this cool factor surrounding him. AHAHA! lol.

Found yugao's ezlink.

Anyway. so i was working on the the 4/5 question. and they started saying they were hungry.
Macdonalds. AWESOME!

So when we were there. Gina started taking pictures of marvin eating ice cream. so funny. got white moustache.

ANYWAY. did u know. that MARVIN. puts ONE WHOLE PACKET of salt on his fries? when it's salty enough ALR? OMG LA. And Gina. to PROVE that salt is not nice. went to buy fries without salt. and she took mayonease to. tasted like shit.

So. I kindly asked the guys to help me get barbeque sauce, tissue, bla bla bla. AND BARBEQUE SAUCE HELPED! YAY!

I love queenstown. got many nice memories. :D

While i was busy eating gina's fries.

This was what yugao said...
Yugao : HEY! there's sauce on my leg. NO! It's a FLATTEN FRY!

haha. this was literally what he said. and he takes up this...

SERIOUSLY LA. THIS FRY? super funny.

I had a fun time with them. :D
Gina talks really loud on buses btw. :D

9:07 PM