Monday, March 30, 2009

I KNOWWW.. i knowww...

It's been a week or so since a posted anything. But so MANY COOL THINGS HAPPENED! i think. No photos. LALALA!

i bought pens for myself. Finally. can do homework without the pen going off without ink.

AND DO U SEE THAT? the WWWWWW key working fine. YIPEE! yep! im happy. and satisfied.

okieee. im happy with myself. and im sleepy the whole day. homework eh. GAHHH. im not happy with myself blogging. BUT OH WELL. i'll revive it. LALALA.

DID I TELL U BOUGHT MY PENS? it's sooooo cool. it's like. blue. green. red. black. darkblue. OMG! SO COOL HORRR? i wanted to get mr purple. But oh well.

I mean it from the bottom of my heart. WHEEEEE.

My ribena pencil case thinga majinga is infront of me! HAHA! so round the head.


and isa's so cute. came to my mind. LALALA! i hope syf can faster be over. isa's getting too much stress. and stess is uncool. HAHAHA! lack of sleep too. :D

LADILAAAAA! someWHEEEEERRRE over the rainbowwww.... kathleen rockssss... cause... she is so funny and so adorable....


my day was awesome today. except for the fact that i cant keep myself awake during langarts. COME ON! i slept at 2.40-2-50am. What do u expect? like 3 hours of sleep only eh. :(
i feel so bad.
i really wanted to understand the macbeth thing. OHWELL. need to sleep earlier today then. stupid edition of the script. COME ON! three min eh. GAHHH! shit i forgot to buy cards. NOOOOOOOO. i go find. :)

ask jaslyn buy. WHEEEEE!


kk. NICE POST HORRR. cant believe i spent such a short time writing it.

6:18 PM

Friday, March 20, 2009

Lol. some photos.

5:04 PM

Thursday, March 19, 2009

  • Kathleen can run sixty-five kilometres an hour - that's really fast.
  • You should always store Kathleen in an airtight container in the fridge!
  • The most dangerous form of Kathleen is the bicycle.
  • If you blow out all the candles on Kathleen with one breath, your wish will come true.
  • The original nineteenth-century Coca-Cola formula contained Kathleen.
  • Ancient Greeks believed earthquakes were caused by Kathleen fighting underground!
  • Long ago, the people of Nicaragua believed that if they threw Kathleen into a volcano it would stop erupting!
  • All of the roles in Shakespeare's plays - including the female roles - were originally played by Kathleen.
  • The only planet that rotates on its side is Kathleen.
  • About 100 people choke to death on Kathleen each year.

  • bicycle thing SOOOOO correct. :D

    11:07 PM

    Tuesday, March 17, 2009

    hehe. snip off some of my fringe again. since some people say that it's covering/poking my eyes.

    Band vvas actually quite cool. as in. yeah. HAHA! oh. and yijin, ur cat photos i post some other time. :D

    i vvanted to post photos. but i realised that they're all my church people. vvho are TOTALLY Avvesome. :D

    the v v thing is getting farni.

    ooooooooooh. im gonna take many many photos tomorrovv. since it's class outing and everything plus cip... :D

    i just realised sth. i have no idea vvhat my classmates are doing. :( NEVERMIND! i'll see them tomorrovv. :D TEEHEEE!

    a video for ur enjoyment. :D
    (i dare u to say that i cant sing after vvatching this. :D)

    5:05 PM

    Thursday, March 12, 2009

    i vvas so mean today. like. i totally scream my head off my team members. it's my fault too lor. UGH. not happy vvith myself. :(

    anyvvay. holidays are coming. hai. busy vveek. 

    push myself forvvard. LALALALA!

    11:30 PM

    Wednesday, March 11, 2009

    yay. it's com lesson now and i did finish my com homework. SOOOOOOO...
    I'm gonna use this com that has a keyboard WITH a w key. wwwwwwwwwww. hahaha. so happy. :D

    yay. this com is laggy. HEHE!

    im so proud of myself. i actually blog now.

    OKAY. gonna go science centre for cip. paiseh for not joining u guys for band. :(

    mmhm. OFF TO SLACK! :D

    10:37 AM

    Monday, March 09, 2009

    reached home early today. hope can do finish homevvork.

    OKAAAY! issit 11 april?
    ya i think so. anybody free on that day? like anytime? :D (must  have time for ur dear kathleen  oh)

    OH vvell. i hope i get good grades. :D then i'll vvork harder.


    5:32 PM

    Sunday, March 08, 2009

    some photos of today. :D

    7:46 PM

    lol. band  vvas ok i guess. anyvvay... photos of rachel and daniel! 

    7:44 PM

    Thursday, March 05, 2009

    5:46 PM

    typing vv is stupid. i hope u guys vvould knovv that it really means double u. :)
    i'll try this just for this post. vvhich is probably gonna be pretty long and boring.

    great. the com is seriously screvved. :D mostly caused by me.

    i promised chingyee a long post. but i have to do it before 7. so yeah. have fun reading dude.
    (and i found out the tactic to long posts)

    Early in the morning, at about 5.50 am. i vvoke up. took my uniform, go to toilet. bathe. 
    (also sit on toilet bovvl and just stone, though u can ignore this part. ) okay. so the morning vvas quite boring for me. though i vvas super super tired. 

    okay. so vvhen i reached school... i savv a fevv people, cant rmb vvho. so yadiyaaaaaa....

    but the cool thing, that vvas different from usual days, vvas that i vvas eating so much svveets. i vvas totally having sugar rush. and started talking extremely fast. even yugao couldnt understand vvhat i vvas saying. so vvhen i vvas prepared to use the sugar on important things, like pe, IT RAINED. nice day dude. oh vvell, maybe if it didnt rain someone from 2L vvill trip and fall and sprain their leg... hmm. sounds familar. HEHE! 

    Okaaay. so yeah. today vvas boring. 
    im glad i didnt take 175 again. 

    I think i obviously failed in vvriting vvhat happened for the entire day. 

    so yeah. kahleongbingdamingshengshijingchingyeeisa. took bus?  97 this time. (vvhy this time? hm. let's see...  i savv 175 as 166 yesterday and took it . so i took all the vvay to orchard and had people staring at me). yeah so. 97 vvas boring. and i vvas having motion sickness. ugh. so normal.

    yadiyaaaa... flights of fancy. 
    so vve ate at kfc. bingda bought value .....
    ugh.  im bored. i think those people vvho can vvrite ultra long posts about vvhat happens during the day have like super good memory. lol. i dont really like being detailed. i dont even talk bout vvhat happens everyday usually. haha. 

    Hmmm. im amazed at chingyee's  ability to remember ALOT of things i said. lol. 
    anyvvay. one vvord to describe today.

    this is vvhat i mean vvhen i go like "school's boring." 
    I MEAN BORING! like seriously. the cool parts are probably vvhen vivan xiumei vvenxin vvere quite tone deaf. haha.i thinkthey had fun vvith the tune.

    AND OH YA! the curious case of benjamin button. so absolutely avvesome. 
    marley and me. anybody out there vvanna vvatch vvith me? HAHA!

    okay. feelings this time.
    i really hope that people in 2L vvould get good grades throughout the year. most of u guys really vvork so hard. and if u dont vvork hard, just try harder, just a little. and jiayou.

    oh. haha. took photos at kfc. next post dudes. cause i just screvv it up.

    okay. so today, i savv three stick insects. 
    girls vvith long legs that look super thin and scary. summore stand side by side. super scary. 

    is this considered a long post? lol. 


    5:21 PM