Saturday, February 28, 2009

hmm. my blog IS dead. LOL.

hmm.  Blood diamonds... Scary.

OKAY. it's 10. hmmm.
BLOGGING IS SO BORING... my double u key spoil. UGH! then super mafan. Have to copy here. Paste there. 

Yakult factory's interesting. :D

Andddd.... band's normal.
LOL! okay. 

Next time i'll use eileen's com to blog. This sucks. 



10:03 AM

Sunday, February 22, 2009

HEY ERIKA! U can find the photos at facebook. hehe. I think I accidentally deleted it from my com or sth. :D

Erika's birthday SUPER FUN! I'll leave it to chingyee to blog bout it. And erika.

I really miss erika... LOL! Her laughter makes everybody happy. SIAO. HAHA!

I really hope that my history math science english geog chinese will be fine. Like , I really will work hard for it. And I mean it. YUGAO CAN PROVE THAT I LISTEN IN CLASS.
Sometimes.. TEEHEE.

Lol. I became happier. And I'm proud of it. Though sometimes I get easily jealous or pissed. But
definitely better than the past. LOL.

Happy birthday isa.
Happy birthday erika.
Happy birthday chingyee.
Happy birthday joanne.
Happy birthday kahleong.
Happy birthday daniel.
And yadiya.

Yesterday's ok. :D I guess. Poor diane. And tianyi. No planetshakeshake for u. TEEHEE!

And good luck to anybody that needs luck. :D


11:27 AM

Monday, February 16, 2009

After a long long time. I'm back! TEEHEE! Lol.
Seems like nobody reads my blog anymore. That's sad. :(

OKAY. Today I'm gonna talk bout mushroom  soup...

IT tastes GREAT!

it's not the creamy type. it's the... hmm. really really mushroom soup type. too bad i dont have a photo of it. LOL. 

Okay. Thankyou shijing for all the support and help . LOLS.

Andandand. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL! it's on 17  la. tomorro. but ihave band. so possibility of me blogging quite small..


Okiedokie. Valentine's day fun la. Only bc got quite bored. The guys said that jillian super pretty. though she stayed for a mere 10 min. :D

FuN! :D

9:05 PM

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I dont feel like replying to tags. teehee.

Oh well... 

Valentine's day!!!!! 



Oh yeahhhhhhhh. 

Let's talk bout band.
It is interesting.

Let's talk bout school.
It is a wow.

Let's talk bout service.
AWESOME! I really really love it. Like during cgs and everything.

Like I said. My life is AWESOME!

9:24 PM

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Okok. Replies to tags first.

Isa : Seeee... Im blogging now!

Henry : Hmm. I never link ppl one. haha. only class blog.

Okaaay. As usual, my days are awesome. I've learnt the true meaning of really forgiving someone. But forgetting's another thing. haha. :D

Valentine's day gonna be so cool. gonna go church and have some valentine's day fun stuff. hehe.

Kahghi and wenchong going with me on valentine's day... :D HEHEHE! *smiles sweetly to self*

Anyway. Today was FUN! hehe. We tried the cadbury icecream thing from macs. Quite sweet. Kahleong and I agrees that oreo mcflurry nicer. So shijing and mingsheng went home first. And chingyee and kahleong came to my house. awesomeness. boringla. but uh. Fun kind of boring? NAH.. it's just boring.

I think se's concert tomorrow. I CANT WAIT FOR SATURDAY AGAIN! ahaha.

wenchong and isa looks cute together. :D

5:46 PM

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I love my life. It's SOOO wonderful.

Okaaay. YIPEE! ahahaha. Anyway.

Replies to tags... AHAHA.

chingyee : WHEE! HI TOO!

jessica : *whispers* "i dont scream..."

isa : hm? LOVE U LOADS SOMETIMES TOO! (hey. I have to be truthful right.)

I'll just ignore chingyee's and isa's conversation. :D

shijing : yes. your head is round and u look like a big round tomato. :D

liuhan : OK! i'll tag. btw. i dont like to link. Only linked class blog. TEEHEE!

nicholine : HIIII!~

Chingyee : yes. u're crappo. LALALA!

Anyway. these few days have been really awesome for me. I just realised that things are how they are meant to be. YAYY!
And oh yeah. MY SEC 1S! WOOHOO!

tomorrow new tutor. *prays hard*

ehehehee. I'M HAPPY!

12:46 AM