Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Do people really view at me as if I'm some kind of lunatic? Oh wait. Some person who has attitude problem. Or do you just judge me like that even without knowing me? I seek for attention? Or was I just being myself? Honestly.. don't make assumptions. Don't think I'm like that when you don't make an effort to even know me better. Did I hurt you in any way? Cause if I did, I'm sorry. If I didn't, what's wrong? Please... please try to make an effort to get your facts right. I really can't stand people looking at me like that anymore... And even if I annoyed you in any way, how bad can it be? Do you think I'm really medusa who will kill you as long as you glance at me for a second? Stop it. Really...
7:23 PM
Sunday, September 28, 2008
ENJOY THE PHOTOS! Photos from the other time. Thanks Isa for sending it! Went out with Shijing, kahleong and mingsheng to study this time. My head hurts so badly.. And I'm so jealous... Nobody tags at my blog. Shows how insignificant I am and that no one knows me... I'm unpopular... Oh well... ANYWAY... I had fun today! Read finish empress orchid. Many characters very familiar! =) They reminded me of mostly myself - my many characters.... and bla bla... Ok..... I've got to stop myself being envious of my friends... I'm proud of Isa. She views things as life has no troubles. She's like this person that I really look up to. She's better than me in practically everything.. Controlling emotions... being real pro in her instru... Studies... Everything in fact. It's sometimes real hard to be friends with a pro. Haha. But she makes me enjoy my life. Though our similarities and differences make us confused and pissed with each other. When she first came into rv with nanhua uniform and holding three thick textbooks... Her face was so innocent and seemed real scared at the same time. Then we slowly became good friends and many things happen. Quarrels broke out cause of misunderstandings and we understood each other better. And shijing looks nicer without specs. I DONT LOOK LIKE RINA WITH SHIJING SPECS! =D
8:33 PM
Saturday, September 27, 2008
YAY!!! It's like tradition to study with my friends now. This time kahleong shijing and Isa. AND MY PHONE REALLY SUCKS! It's my mother's friend's phone. And it's like black and white phone with blue light. And have stupid beeping noises. But OH WELL... Better than nothing right? Empress orchid is nice. =D I'm halfway through. And I'm gonna go borrow books from Isa. I'M NOT A BOOK ADDICT! I read quite rarely. Only when i manage to find one somewhere or sth. OK! Did my math today. =D So happy. And I'm smelly/ sticky. Ok. BYE!!!
7:47 PM
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Ok. Honestly, I love 1L. I'm not just saying that cause I'm in this class. Ok fine. i am. But they're so nice. Firstly, they're not those kind of people who will totally look down on some people. Ok nvm. I just love them. Stupid ants. Appear out of nowhere again. I HATE ANTS! Ok. back to the subject. For example, if gina or I was in another class... we'll totally get condemned by our classmates. So with people like mingfang or wanxuan or erika bringing peace to this class.. WE ROCK! HAHAHA! Anyway... chem test was hard. But I did better than I would if I didnt study. =D Didn't do very well. At least I tried! =D English on the other hand.. was bad. Cause I totally just read the paper without even thinking. Shit. Just underline what I saw. Ok. So at least 2 marks gone for not paying attention in class. OH WELL. Ate at queensway with erika and isa and chingyee and shijing. =D Then OH YA! When we were at the mrt. This INTERESTING guy totally shouted "立化学生!立化是一个华文传统学校。 立化以后就靠你们啊!你们要多讲华语哦!goodluck! *slaps face* 我叫你们讲话自己却说英语。学业进步!” That was just plain scary. SCARY! Ok. We have to speak chinese. At least the guy was kind enough to remind us to speak chinese. Hmmmm... Oh well. BYE!
5:16 PM
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
AHHH! I'M LEAVING ERIKA! And i realise that whenever miss zeng changes my place, i tend to get quite unhappy bout it. First term, I sat with Jialiang. Second term, I sat with chingyee. Third term, I sat with woonmin. And fourth term with erika. If I change once more.. I have no idea what to say. And if I change again.. I would be sitting alone. And WELL... I can cope with that. But I'll just feel like I did something wrong again. Like whenever I change seats. Maybe it's my loudness (that can't be compared to GINA! =x). I CAN control my volume. But if there's like, something REAL funny, I can't stand it. Anyway... I promised my dad that I'll study hard for EOY. And do much better. And I'm sure my parents would want to see that. I hope I can do better.. Honestly. Anyway... Collection of class tee done. It looks nice and simple. =D I'll OWN daniel in flute. I'll do better in EOY... What I've plan to do.
Ok. BYEEE~~~
10:26 PM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF! I TOTALLY STUDIED FROM 2-4. Totally improved. It was "Lie in bed and sleep" last time. MWAHAHAHA! YAYYYY!!! And I'm gonna practice my flute later at 5 or sth. SO HAPPY! YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Eat my foot! HAHAHAHA! 98.7 is nice. Nice songs. Except for some irritating ones. =D OK! BYE!
4:51 PM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Yesterday... Eh... Go view henry's blog for details. TODAY! SUPER COOL! 8.30 woke up. Sms kahleong, Erika and Isa to wake up. Isa told me to reach her house at 9.30. SO... I reached there at 9.30. And I had to call her tele cause she didnt answer her hp. Her mum answered the phone. AND I WAS AT THE DOOR! Me : Hello? Mum : Hello? Me : Is isa in? Mum : Isa's sleeping. Me : *pauses* uhhh... Mum : U want me to wake her up? Me : uh ya. SO... ISA OPENS THE DOOR! *super just wake up look on her face* Me : U WERE SLEEPING? Isa : I went back to sleep... ahhh.. Ok. So Went into house. Went to change. Went down for basketball with Iva and Isa at 10... Ohh... So abigail, ernest and umm.. I DUNNO HOW TO SPELL HER NAME! umm.. iva's friend? Oh well. It was fun. But this group of soccer players totally spoiled my mood. They were idiots playing soccer at the basketball court. AND THINK THAT SINCE IT'S A PUBLIC BASKETBALL COURT, U CAN PLAY WHATEVER SHIT SPORT U WANT IN IT! WHAT THE?! Ok whatever. BUT IT WAS FUN! Everybody's violent there! HAHAHA! Went back to Isa's house bla bla. Changed.. Isa forgot to take wallet. Went back up. So went to meet Erika and kahleong at bubbletea shop at je there. Then me and isa both saw this super tall guy with a black vest. AND THEN SHE TOTALLY JUST SCREAMED AT THE GUY.. SHOUTING "YIMING!" I was gonna nudge her and ask her to dont anyhow scream. But that tall guy turned around and happened to be him. HAHA! talk about coincidence. So, met erika and kahleong. bla bla. go eat at kopitiam. OHH!!! Super cool. It went like that. I wanted to distract erika cause she was busy smsing dunno who and she totally DAOED ME! So.. I pointed and went "HEY! IT'S KHOONHWEE!". But she totally daoed me. Cause she knows that my reaction wouldnt be like that when I see him.. So RIGHT after... I went like "Oh. Reon eh." And she gave me "THE STARE". HAHAHA! Ok. So we were happily eating. And about 5 minutes later.. Erika shouted "HEY! KHOONHWEE!" I gave her the == look. I mean, DOES SHE REALLY THINK IT WILL WORK? Then her face turned red. And continued pointing and screaming "REALLY!!! KHOONHWEE!!! REALLY!" *points points" Looking at how she's gonna have a stroke.. I turned my head.. and looked. Whoa. She wasn't lying. It WAS him. HAHAHA! Ain't it cool? So there was... khoonhwee peiyao volleyballers bla bla. (Not interesting) Ok! So after we ate. Erika suddenly wanted to take neoprints. And trust me. She was the ONLY one among us (me erika and isa) that looks nice. Both me and Isa look retard. REALLY! Ok. So took. Bla... Went to library. I STUDIED HARD! HAHAHA! IN UR FACE! =) Ok. Studied from 1/2/3 - 5 And me and Erika were making loads of noise. =D (HERCULES ON DISNEY CHANNEL! YAYYY!!!) Ok. So cause kahleong and erika were super restless... we had to go and eat. Some Japanese thing. Eat ice cream. Went home. COME COME! I TELL U THE BEST PART! AT THE BUS INTERCHANGE. Ok... I dont wanna sound like a stalker. BUT... THERE'S THIS REAL SHUAI GUY INFRONT OF ME! And trust me, I dont think anyone is shuai. BUT THAT GUY IS LIKE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! SUPER SHUAI!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok. So went on the bus. Ok. Oh. Smsing Isa and yeah. And the super shuai guy on my left. And there's this other guy on my right and a girl and another guy. That guy was so black I thought he was indian. But he wasnt... cause he spoke chinese... and I was eavesdropping. =D OK!... THE SHUAI GUY! I'm not like some stalker trying to stalk him right? And it's not like I'll peek every second. Like. I was facing the stupid flirt on my right. So I didnt see him at all. BUT HE'S SUPER SHUAI. Ok. So.. when he got down the bus.. I managed to STARE AT HIM! AND HE IS SUPER SHUAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok done. (for shijing - no, he doesn't have long hair nor many piercings) OK! So reach home. Eat dinner. Went jp. Bla... bla... AND DANIEL SO ENCOURAGING! HE TOLD ME I'LL OWN HIM! WAHAHAHAHA! MIRACLES CAN HAPPEN I TELL YA! And He sucks more than me when he was sec 1 and 2. WAHAHAHA! I DONT CARE! I'll just believe that I can be as good as him. =D OK! byebye. Kathleen!
10:32 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I'm officially amazed... LOOK! ok. Similarities. (Don't get offended..) 1) Both have round heads 2) Almost same height 3) Play with funny funny stuff (e.g cut skin of mice/ being like toto chan) 4) Clenches fist and placing it at waist 5) The sudden change of character. 6) put finger to lips.. "SHHHH" Ok nvm. THERE'S TONS! Honestly.. SCARY MAN! Shijing's pissed with me for saying many stuff.. Or at least I think so. She's not EXACTLY pissed. OK nvm.. ANYWAY... I CANT BELIEVE TEACHERS VIEW OUR BLOGS! And hahaha! Now wonder some ppl start writing how nice teachers are.. losers.. OH WELL! =D JIAYOU FOR EVERYTHING!
7:12 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Can't believe it. Everyone starts telling me I'm a flirt. I'm a flirt. Fuck. I'm a mother fuckin flirt. Ok. I either.. 1) Accept the stupid "fact" 2) Continue "flirting" Honestly... HOW THE HELL DO I SEEM LIKE I FLIRT? WHEN I TALK TO KAHLEONG? HUH? Walao. When I go too excessive? whatever. I can't stand it when ppl tell me that. When I know it's not true myself. THEN AGAIN, ppl will go like "Aiya.. ppl dunno whether they flirt anot..". FUCK LA! WALAO. I've had ENOUGH of ppl saying that to me. And I'm not talking bout that one or two ppl who tell me. I'M TALKING BOUT THE WHOLE FUCKIN HELL LOAD OF SHIT ASSHOLES! Ok. *calms down* I'll change for the better bla bla bla. Whatever. It's admitting that I did something wrong when I dont even think so. Nvm. i'm still sorry if i appear like I am or whatever. ok.. School is.. school. I'm in a very bad mood now. And I bet no one fuckin hell knows why. Fuck. I'm not gonna write how my life is so great like any wonderful fantasy story. == It IS great. Just that I'm pissed at some things. I've had enough. Crap.
9:37 PM
Monday, September 15, 2008
YAY! Today go do class tee. With kahleong and shijing. Wah seh. They look like a happy couple. Both also fat fat one. =x I look cute with EVERYONE! I know I know. ANYWAY.. the class tee looks.. interesting. =D Got miss zeng's name on the shirt. =D Oh ya. Isa's pinafore got black ink. Lol. Hands pain pain now. Stupid expired powder soap. AND OH YA! I've never thanked the people who tags at my blog. THANKYOU! Stupid mingsheng tell shijing he loves her dont have tell me. :'( My life is miserable cause of shijing. =D HAHAHA! I should stop laughing when I eat hot mashed potato. =D OH WELL.. BLAME KAHLEONG AND SHIJING IF THE DESIGN IS UGLY. If it's nice.. it's my credit. =D BYE! Kathleen the great.
7:00 PM
Friday, September 12, 2008
My section's gpa ranges from 3.2 to 3.7. mine... is far worse. Oh well.. I didn't do well for my tests. EVERY SINGLE TEST! Including the band one. Wah siao. I screwed up. But this gives me more reason to practice harder! Trust me. I will. I'LL OWN SIWEI! HAH! AND SHARLENE! AND EVERYONE! HAH! Okaaay... Oh ya. I LOVE MY SECTION! Realised that I've never said that before. BUT I LOVE U GUYS! Rachel, Wanwen, sharlene, xiaohui, xiao jie, siwei, yijin.. AND OF COURSE.. DANIEL! OH YA! I'll print out lyrics from enchanted. AND ISA'S SO GONNA DIE WHEN I GO TO HER HOUSE TOMORROW! =D HEHEHE.. =D my flute's shiny. It's a shiny flute. OMG! and shijing may not be chairperson if she become sc. MY HAMBURGER! I wonder who the next one will be. Hopes that person wouldnt be too scary. Oh well. And I just realised ppl tag at my blog. TAG! Lol! I love all of u! Especially... MY MINGSHENG! HAHAHA! ( I got over u kahleong!) Ok. Those innocent ppl out there who think I really like them... I dunno what to say. And NoBODY ASKED ME WHO I LIKE! I like my shit. =D I love ISA! (not her fart) I love SHIJING! (not her ultra weirdness) I love ERIKA! (not when she scolds me) And lalala... Stupid siwei. Show off. Tralalala...
8:48 PM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Got back progress results. Thanks Erika, woonmin, kahleong, isa, joanne and bla bla for staring at me and attempting to cheer me up. But I dont think I was considered sad. It was more of disappointment and shock. Lol. I love Isa and Erika and EVERYONE! =) VOTE SHIJING FOR SC! THAT'S SPELT AS H A M B U R G E R =D Esther, Marion and wanxuan too! Anyway... JIAYOU SEC 1s FOR BAND TEST! Oh well. I hope Rachel don't be fierce. She's nicer when she's nice. =D OH WELL... Change of places. BYE WOONMIN! BYE IDIOTIC ALVIN! BYE MY SHIJING + MIRROR + COMB + BURGER! BYE KAHLEONG! BYE MINGSHENG! BYE ISA! BYE EVERYONE I ONCE KNEW! I'm back to the old place. Stupid stuffy place which I hate. == And Jialiang's blocking my view. People just think I'm THAT tall. Oh well. =D ISA! GOODLUCK WITH KELVIN! haha. REGARDS, ISA'S TALL AND NOISY FRIEND! KATHLEEN!
11:37 PM
Monday, September 08, 2008
I've been posting and posting. Oh well.. Cause I don't feel like doing anything else. OH WELL... Got back math. Didn't fail. Yayyy.. == Today was boring... But better than holidays somehow? OH WELL... I have to work real hard for band. My head feels heavy. NOT CAUSE IT'S BIG! And my ear is infected.. AGAIN! == I'm not gonna be sad and say how the world is ending tomorrow. == Stupid stuff I always do. Instead.. I'm gonna say how the world would be without me. Easy. Peace and QUIET! 100%. Hehehe... Isa attempted to steal my wallet without me knowing. And everyone agrees that she's cute. Even me. But SHE'LL KARATE ME WHEN I PINCH HER CHEEKS! :'( SHE IS STRONG! (for her size. =x) Lol. EVIL! la~~~ I love you Isa. I love you too! Ok I'm bored. BYE!
6:23 PM
Saturday, September 06, 2008
haha.. can't believe people ACTUALLY read my blog. == Oh well.. Read finish twilight. MY EDWARD! HE'S MINE OK! Ahhhh... And well.. the previous post was screwed. Ignore it. I was just lost in my small little world filled with walls that I can drill myself out of. OK... WHAT THE HELL AM I TALKING ABOUT?? Anyway... a video for u! AGAIN! Sounds like Gina? YEAH! hahaha. =D
10:15 PM
Friday, September 05, 2008
Ok.. Practiced my flute for an hour. Can't get the running notes right... And the rhythm.. and the pitching.. But if i practice for an hour everyday.. I'll improve by a whole lot! =) Oh well.. And I just realised that I dont post about my personal thoughts like what people usually do.. Cause people would read them.. Like duh.. And if i post my thoughts.. I'll end up getting beaten in school.. THAT'S WHY.. What ever goes in your head.. STAYS IN UR HEAD! (if u dont wanna get beaten up) But I guess some people do it cause they have to vent their anger on somewhere.. or want their friends to comfort them.. or is just some weird person who wants the whole world to know how he/she feels (not aiming at anyone btw..) But usually if I vent my anger.. it would either be complaining or spouting vulgar (IN A BOOK!). And I dont really think what I'm typing now is considered personal thoughts. My DEEP thoughts are not worth seeing. Oh well... And I guess some of my friends dont know me well enough. In fact, none of them know me. THAT'S WHY.. I KEEP A DIARY WHERE I CAN SPOUT ALL THE VULGAR I WANT TO! I'm updating so that some people can stop tagging and telling me to update. And I have nothing better to do. If I play my flute now, my sis who's reading twilight would end up killing me. =) And oh ya.. Rachel and Daniel have different ways of teaching I guess.. VERY different. But both ways work. I think.. And I'm annoying everybody I can think of.. especially Isa... Everytime I do something.. she'll look pissed.. even Daniel sees that.. And guess what.. SHE IS PISSED! amazing. :O But come to think of it... everyone gets pissed with me.. I have severe mood swings... severe.. One second I'm super high and telling everybody I love them.. the next second I start emoing and talk bout how the world hates me. Amazing right? And I should stop running to Isa and talk to her.. cause she obviously doesnt like it. No one would like an asshole stalking them. == Yesterday night.. In my book of doodles.. I started writing .... oh well. personal thoughts. Honestly, if I were to write all the damn stuff I wanted to write.. It'll be filled with vulgar + weird languages? Ohhh.. one of the statements I wrote in my diary.. Friends, yes. Good friends, so so. Good GOOD friends, 100% no. Hmmm.. I wasn't emoing. Honestly.. i can't think of a single person whom I tell how I feel to and what bla bla bla me... Reasons why.. Isa : Gets pissed with me easily. Told me she can't comfort me.. And is too busy. Shijing : Has her own troubles... Erika : I have no idea what to talk to her about. Cause she emos too.. Gina : Screams in my ear constantly.. HOW TO TALK? Oh wait.. I have a friend whom i telling everything to. =) But now.. I don't. He's a good friend I guess... not that any of u would know.. == But he's just good in consoling.. not considered as a super good friend.. Ok.. there's... People from 1L : Hmm.. Honestly.. most of them hate me. LIKE DUH... why wouldn't they? People from band : YES! ISA IS CUTE! I KNOW THAT! everyone adores her. =) Cause she's so adorable. AWWWW... and I'm the tall and noisy and irritating sec 1. yayy.... People from other classes (random) : She's seeking for attention.. she's annoying.. she thinks highly of herself.. she bla bla bla. U know.. when people say they hate backstabbers.. they've never realised that they've been backstabbing all way through.. i can just pick out any blog post and say "HEY! ISN'T THIS BACKSTABBING?". Sure.. they'll tell me that they're just sad and disappointed and just want to write how they feel. BUT THEY ARE BLOODY HELL BACKSTABBING! And yes.. I backstab/bitch/annoy/suck/etc etc..(what ever bad things u can describe me) And I'm noisy.. I know... I'll try not to get high that easily.. and be a mute. Like I do sometimes in class now.. if you realise... I don't talk that much in class.... There's reasons why u know.. In every single shit that I do.. everyone gets irritated. Oh well.. which means I dont get irritated by them! oh WHEE!!! Please.. And no.. I'm not having mood swings.. I'm just typing out what's been on my mind for very VERY long. And I dont have trust issues.. If you think that way.. It just means that whatever I say to you dont really matter. U'll understand if you start thinking... I'm gonna end this post before I type anymore stuff that I shouldn't talk about. ==
11:38 AM
Thursday, September 04, 2008
ok.. I'm dying of boredom here.. with my runny nose/sore throat/fever. OK! Yesterday.. went for band with sorethroat... Then had runny nose... and then fever.. I'M SORRY RACHEL FOR BEING TOTALLY SUCKY THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE SECTIONALS!
10:57 AM
Monday, September 01, 2008
Isa without tuning or trying out. Just took it and play. YEAH! William having fun at this helicopter ride thing. ==
9:36 PM
Ehhh.. when was this? OHH!! the supporting of the.. ehh.. shui de chuan ren thing i guess. MY HEAD LOOKS HUGE BESIDE HERS! Mati, Isa and kath. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
9:14 PM
For Joshua and William.
8:41 PM