Sunday, January 27, 2008

Just went to Melvin's blog. I think his class likes him alot. Hahaha. =.-
OKAAAAAY!!!! I'm getting super bored these few days. HAHAHA! And I have a BOYFRIEND!!! MWAHAHAHAHHA!!! Ok fine. Fake one. =)
I'll just go like ''I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND RIGHT?!?!?!''
Then he'll go like ''Ya.''
HAHAHA!!! FIRST PERSON EVER TO PLAY THE GAME WITH ME!!! AHAHAHHA!!!! Usually when I go like ''I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND RIGHT?!''. They'll just give me the 'what are you trying to do' look and go like 'uhhh....'. HAHAHAHA!!! So FUN!
Oh! I shall talk bout my school. I think most of the teachers there hate me. =) I pro.
But I like my chinese teacher the most. For dunno what reason. As in, she's damn fierce. =)
BUT I LIKE! HAHAHA! SO weird right? Nvm.. I'm weird.

Hehehe... Whenever I'm offended by my class boys right. I'll just go like ''SAY SORRY! IF NOT I HUG U!'' They'll run. Then after a long time of chasing, they'll say sorry. DAMN CUTE RIGHT?!?!?!

9:50 AM

Saturday, January 19, 2008


1) Concert Band
2) String Ensemble
3) Eldds
4) Cldds
5) Choir
6) St. John Ambulance Bridge

12:02 PM

Friday, January 18, 2008

1) I'm ugly
2) I'm dumb
3) I'm too straightforward
4) I'm loud


5:39 PM

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I feel so bloody tired. BLEGHX!!!!!
Ohh!! there's this girl called ISA from nan hua. Then one fine day, (i think yesterday) she walked into 1L classroom wearing nan hua uniform. Then I was like, I think u got the wrong school. But after that, I realized that she transferred from nan hua. Moe's fault. late reply. QUITE SAD LEH! She meet all her good friends from nan hua already. Then suddenly come to RV!!! Hahaha. SHE'S JUSTIN'S FRIEND!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! SO FUNNY!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! I WANT TO SLEEP!!!!!
K. Bye.

5:01 PM

Monday, January 14, 2008

Love, Me Lyrics
I read a note my grandma wrote back in 1923
Grandpa kept it in his coat and he showed it once to me
He said boy you might not understand
But a long, long time ago
Grandma's daddy didn't like me none
But I loved your grandma so

We had this crazy plan to meet
And run away together
Get married in the first town we came to and live forever
But nailed to the tree where we were supposed to meet instead
I found this letter
And this is what it said:

If you get there before I do
Don't give up on me
I'll meet you when my chores are through
I don't know how long I'll be
But I'm not gonna let you down
Darling wait and see
And between now and then 'til I see you again
I'll be loving you
Love, me

I read those words just hours before my grandma passed away
In the doorway of a church
Where me and grandpa stopped to pray
I know I'd never seen him cry in all my 15 years
But as he said these words to her
His eyes filled up with tears

If you get there before I do
Don't give up on me
I'll meet you when my chores are through
I don't know how long I'll be
But I'm not gonna let you down
Darling wait and see
And between now and then 'til I see you again
I'll be loving you, love me
Between now and then 'til I see you again
I'll be loving you
Love, me

7:45 PM

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

tired. tired. tired. tired. tired. tired.

I WANT TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok. Have friends. Nice school. Nice ppl. Maybe gonna go down buy notebook. Maybe not. K.. BYE!

8:04 PM

Sunday, January 06, 2008

I HAD FUNNNNNN DURING CAMP! (excluding the part where I push my friend down)

During camp learned dance "all for one" and sun dance. AHHH!!! Aching everywhere now... PAIN! Ooooh. Tried out the Ccas. Not allowed to join any sports cca. Those volley ball net ball stuff. Cause of some backbone problem and leg problem. Most prob inheritance. HEHEHE! Tried out for atheletics. Run wrong line. I ran the dotted line. So i pushed my friend down. Then help her out. Then continue running.. my friend got 2nd while I got 3rd. Part of her palm's skin came out. Ouch. Then her legs kena also. Guilty me. Those people who DSA inside RV damn ke lian. Cannot really join other ccas. BLEGHX! damn tired.
ooooh. When we were watching our class boys playing basketball, Gina : ''WAH!!! THE BOYS SO SHUAI! SO TANNED!!!''. Uh.. she was referring to the basketballers. Not my 1L class ppl. *rolls eyes*. Ahhhh!!!! I'm having swollen eyes now. Swollen leh. No double eyelid. Cnt open properly. =(
Reason : Didn't sleep during camp. Slept for 1-2 hours. Then couldn't sleep cause needed to go toilet. Then came back and realized that I was cold. IT WAS FREAKINLY COLD LA! Although there wasn't air con. All the girls went to sleep at hall. Guys sleep at classroom. Went home and slept all the way. BLEGHX. Sleep too much. Eyes become liddat lor. Will go to school looking retard tomorrow. ''3 cheers for RETARD! Hahaha.


10:37 PM

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Oh SHIT! I guess I didn't manage to keep low profile. Dead. Bleghx.
Made noise. Alot of noise. Pupil support leaders didn't seem to like me alot. Screamed at discipline mistress across the Lt1. Screamed at my class guys, calling them sissies.

Other than that, I think the day was quite nice. x)
Reached school. Roam around RV like an idiot. Went to Lecture theatre. Everybody seems quite alright though. Made friends. Long speech by principal. Went to classroom. Psls there.
Sat down with wanxuan beside me. Teacher made the guy behind wan xuan temporary chairperson. I laughed hysterically. Teacher looks at me and asked what my name was. I said i was wan xuan. But she obviously found out my name soon.
Recess, tour around school. Do cheers. Guys : Didn't utter a single word. I screamed at them and told them that they should SHOUT. well... they did quite a good job after that. I think.
Went to lecture theatre again. Discipline mistress gives a long speech. Gina (classmate) kept telling me she needed to go to the toilet. And she was malu to ask while the teacher was giving her speech. Scared that she will pee in the lecture theatre and kinda annoyed with her constantly telling me she needs to go to the toilet, I told her to ask the teachers. Alot of times. Well.. she was malu. =.= So... when Mrs Look was gonna stop. but decided to continue her speech, I shout across the lecture theatre and said something that's embarassing. "Teacher, What if we need to go to the toilet leh?" So much for low profile...
Her reply : "As a lady, bla bla bla. (I forgot.) You can ask the teachers over there." Then my friend FINALLY stood up and said "Um.. may I go to the toilet?" Ok.. then she went to the toilet. =.=

After Lecture theatre didn't make noise. Was too tired. hehehe.
Then went to take 97. Then take mrt. Take bus. Saw Qing Xi and Shawn Ang. Qing Xi is like my height now la. Bought bubble tea and bread. Went home. Ate. Then slept at 3.30 to 6.00.
Hell... I was supposed to keep low profile. =.=
Maybe I shall not be so high tomorrow. YUP! That's a promise. I think.

7:44 PM