Monday, December 31, 2007

Fine. This is the last post. Not the previous one. OK! EVERYONE AGREES THAT MALCOLM IS NICE! Lalalala. Ok. I saw this poster. It goes like this.

Avoid negative Sources, People, Things and Habits.
Believe in yourself.
Consider things from every angle.
Don't Give up.
Enjoy life today: Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.
Family and friends are hidden treasures. Seek them and Value them.
Give more Than you planned to Give.
Hang on to your dreams.
Ignore those who try to discourage you.
Just Do it!
Keep on trying, No matter how hard it Seems. It will get better.
Love yourself first and foremost.
Make it happen.
Never lie, cheat, or steal. Alway strike a fair deal.
Open your eyes and see things as they really are.
Practice makes perfect.
Quitters never win and Winners never quit.
Read, study and learn about everything important in your life.
Stop procrastinating.
Take control of your own Destiny.
Understand yourself in order to better understand others.
Visualise it.
Want it more than anything.
Xccelerate your efforts.
You are unique amongst all of nature's creations. Nothing can replace you.
Zero in on your target, and go for it!

OK! I shall go clean the house with dettol. BYE!

2:04 PM

This would probably be the last post this year. Hahahahaha. And for dunno what reason, I keep having dreams of my 6-7'07 classmates. Maybe cause I miss them? COOL!

My mother, Eileen, Jaslyn, my maid and me cleaned the house yesterday. Was damn tiring. Need to throw the books. 4 big black trashbags. Whoa. It's a GREAT thing I finally got rid of my stuff. Then we clean here. Clean there. The house looks so much cleaner! And shit. I still cannot find the RV paper thingy. Shall call wanxuan later and ask her what we should bring or bla bla bla. I still can't believe school reopens so fast. And i would be wearing a different uniform. LALALALA! YES!!! NO MORE PIONEER! lalalalala.

Last post this year! x)

1:46 PM

Sunday, December 30, 2007

I CAN'T FIND THE PAPER! I dun even know what I'm supposed to wear when I get to school. Or what I'm supposed to bring. Hell. I think i'll have to wear Rv socks, Rv pinafore, white shoes, and other things that are needed. For example : my rubberband. Then, I'll go to school and fake a smile, while looking at everybody's damn nervous face. =.-

Then, The freaky principal will give a freaky speech. Then, we clap our hands. Then, they show us the school. Then we pretend to be stupid and go like "Ohhh... I've never seen that before. IT'S SOOOO GREAT! (even though it's not)"

Then I have to make friends with my classmates. And I'll go like "OH! HELLO!" to everybody. Then they'll give me the damn damn nervous look and go like "hi" (very quietly). Oh well.. I'll have to survive in the freaky loser class. (1L). Maybe there will be someone like me. The SUPER SUPER high type. But I wouldn't like that person. MWAHAHAH!


Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as I expected. IT WOULD BE WORSE! Hahaha. Oh ya. I'm gonna move! Next year. (I dun mean move as in move house. I mean move as in change the "" thing to another different name") Or maybe not. Hmmm... Shall go around asking others. Then I'll see if I should move. YUP!

10:59 AM

Thursday, December 27, 2007

This is like. SOOO CUTE LA!

11:45 PM

Went to eat in the morning. Bla bla bla. Then went ice skating! WOOHOO! Jaslyn has blisters all over her feet cause she wore ankle socks there. ;)
I shall post the photos if I can find them. It's like. SO DAMN FUN LA! Ohhh... today's sheng wei's birthday. Shall wish him happy birthday later on.
Ohhh... I got sooo many things! And they're ALL SOOOOOO NICE!!! I got a bag and a bottle from my mum. Got a yellow pencil case with a purse attatched to it from jaslyn. Got a hoodie and a necklace from eileen. Got a disney princess pencil case from marvie. And a hundred bucks from my dad! Ohhh... yolanda got me a necklace and wan xuan got me a turtle handphone strap thingy and impact sweets. HAHAHA!!!!
Oh. So we went to eat dinner. Uhhh... went to the restaurant at geylang. Wah siao. All the streets right, stands one WHOLE ROW of uhhh.... women. Kinda creeps me out. Well... they're prostitudes actually. First time I've went to geylang. Hah. Ok.. ate. Then went home. lalala.

1:03 PM

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I HAD SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN TODAY! And i'm gonna have more fun later on!!!!!! Ok... I shall tell you what i did today on the next post. And I know U ALL have been waiting for the photos. I managed to get one from Joshua ng. x) HEHEHE!!! He's watching tv. And his brother took a photo of him. GREAT JOB JONAH!

Ok... I got a photo from malcolm's friendster oso. It's a shot of him with his kitty. Awwwwww.....

6:37 PM

Monday, December 24, 2007

I'm getting super SUPER bored at home. 1 more day till christmas. -.=
And I realized the scar on my leg is very VERY obvious. On a second thought, hmmmm... maybe not. BUT IT'S COOL!
Ok. Some pitiful people has to answer my random phone calls just cause i'm bored. Wait. They hung up my phone before I got the chance to even speak... They're not pitiful afterall... -.=
AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM BORED!!!!!!!!
And great. It's 12 already and Jaslyn is STILL in bed. -.= She said she read her book until 3am. Hmmm. Maybe she's lying. xD I dunno. I slept early. XD


Sunday morning. Dad opened the door. Jaslyn was lying on her bed. Sleeping. I was playing some music on my handphone, sitting on eileen's bed. Dad came to wake Jaslyn up. In a funny way actually. Then Jaslyn woke up. and we had to go to the market. AGAIN! Hell. So I walked to the living room. Wait. No. I brushed my teeth, washed my face bla bla bla. Then I went to the living room. Dad passed ice box to me. Then I didn't wanna get out of the house. So... I was practically screaming "WO BU YAO QU!!!!!!!!!!!!!". AND THEY PUSHED ME OUT OF THE HOUSE! Great. And I thought that if i went in again, my dad would use his great big belly to push me out. So... I decided to be a good good girl and go to the market with them. Then Jaslyn came out. (skips the jaslyn's spoilt shoes part)
Ok... then went into car. blablabla.
Ok... so... Jaslyn took the prawns. And fish. I think. Then my hands were empty. x)
BUT JASLYN'S STUPID PRAWNS KEEP POKING ME!!!! Ok. So in the end. I took the vege stuff. I shall make this clear. The vegetables were in a BIG RED plastic bag and it was HEAVY! And guess what. MY GREAT SWEET MOTHER SAID THAT I KEPT GIVING JASLYN CARRY THE THINGS. and started saying how Jaslyn wouldn't even let her take one single thing. =.=
That's the biggest reason why I HATE going to the market. HMPH!
Ok... Got the things in the car. Went to eat.
I realized that I eat quite disgustingly. x) Hell. (shall skip this part if not i'll complain bout my mother again. hehe.)
Got into the car. Dad asked if I was getting a party. my mother said I didn't want one. haha. Then I said it's cause my friends suck. Which is completely true. Well.. not all of them. But most of them.
Reach home. lalala. bored. Ok... then, bathed. (If you're wondering why we didn't bathe before going to the market. It's cause our dear sweet parents were practically rushing us. Hell.)
Ok. Then.. (Oh. Jaslyn's awake already!) we (mum, jaslyn and me)went to jurong point. By bus. Which is completely weird cause we usually go there by car if our mother was bringing us there. But nvm... That's not the point. Ok. Went to this fashion. Couldn't find the nice clothes we saw before. Nvm.. Jaslyn got a shirt and I got a shirt. Mine's a collar shirt. Pink actually. Which is funny. Cause my clothes that are bought from this fashion are usually black. Nvm.. Jaslyn's shirt is white. Actually.. she wanted to get a blue shirt that's exactly like mine. Luckily, I got saved by my mother. She said that she's getting the white one for Jaslyn. YES! WOOHOO!!! Hmmm... I have like.. two jackets that's quite the same as jaslyn's. Only the colour. One of my Jacket is pink. While hers is black. Other than that. It's the same. I have a jacket that is white. Hers is blue. But luckily, I gave her my white one. Haha. Let's see.. she has 1..2...3..4.. 4 jackets. I think. haha. Then we have another shirt that is similar. Only the colour. And another. Nvm...
Ok.. uh. where was I? Oh ya. So I got the pink one and she got the white one. Then Jaslyn guided my mum to the wallet shop. She said she wanted the wallet. And surprisingly, my mum said ok. And gave her 50 bucks for it. Wallet costs 26 bucks. Then, we went to the... uh... new kind of this fashion. Me and my mum only. Jaslyn was paying for the wallet and the queue's kinda long. So... I walked into the shop. Giving the disgusted look on my face while I see any weird clothing. Which is kinda like, everything. I saw like.. SO MANY clothes or shorts that is like damn damn ex. And damn damn UGLY! My mother told me to get shorts. I see see here. See see there. Then walk out of the shop. And found Jaslyn paying for the wallet. lalala. So we walked back in together. Then after stoning in there for a couple of minutes. We walked out. And we saw Santa. Jaslyn was like. Screaming? IT'S JUST AN ANG MOH IN A SANTA SUIT! Nvm.. so... walked into shoe shop. Bought shoes. Then walked out. Mum walked into mc donalds. Ok. By this time. She's ALREADY creeping me out. She just takes out money out of her wallet and tells us to get something. I think Jaslyn was like saying to me "Who are you and what have you done to my mother." haha. So... we went to buy food. Lalala. Walked out. Ok... Then we went out. To the bus interchange. Ok. At the bus interchange, there's like one row of people selling things. My mother suddenly walked into this selling shorts thingy and took out one of the shorts and asked me if it was nice. I was like ''uh.. alright la". Then the woman looking after the shop came to us and asked me for my waist size. Then she held my mother the measuring tape and my mum started measuring my waist. Well.. the woman thought my waist was like. 26. But it was more than that. I think it was 28. So... I got the medium sized one. I think.
Then, she asked us if we wanted corn (popcorn actually). Then we paid 2 bucks and got our pop corn and candy floss. Then we queued at the 243G lane. Then suddenly, my mother saw 181 coming and realized that the people lining there were fewer. So... she ran to the bus. Hell. me and Jaslyn had to follow. And run after the bus too. Ok. So... took the bus. Went home.
Ok. My shirt cost $11. Jaslyn's $6. Jaslyn's wallet : $26. My shoes : $19.95 Meal : $12. My shorts : 13.90. Candy floss + pop corn : $2. Ok.. altogether : $90.85
Haha. End.

12:18 PM

Saturday, December 22, 2007

LOL!!!! Joshua Yeo said ''i love you'' to me. If u think he's a bloody idiotic pervert. HE IS!!!!! And he'll try to suan you by using his 'great' vocab that i dun understand. That bloody idiot. SHORTIE! x)
PS : JOSHUA YEO! YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he's most prob gonna finally find my blog and tear it down to pieces. =.-

11:26 PM

Friday, December 21, 2007

But I really went into the last class la. 1L. Hah!
The people inside were so.. creepy. As in... can't they smile? Haha. They look nervous.
It's a weird thing why I couldn't get myself to talk to them. I only said hi to wanxuan. Who's also in my class. =.= 2 MORE YEARS OF SUFFERRING!!! hahahaha. I think I'll make alot of friends. Maybe during the sec 1 camp thingy. haha...
RV changed their PE t-shirt. Dunno if i'm getting the new kind. Cause I'll have to wear my dear sweet sister's clothes. =.=

5:55 PM

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Today went to see which school I was going into. And I got into River valley. First choice. Lalalala. Not very proud of it. =.= I'll have to wear some thick clothing which is super not comfortable la. Maybe have to wear sister's last time uniform. =(
Ohhhh... keshant got into clementi town and boon sing got into fu hua. GOOD JOB! x)

3:38 PM

Monday, December 17, 2007

YIPEE!!!! When my parents when out to get my dad's shoes yesterday... THEY BOUGHT ME A SLING BAG!!! For my birthday la. XD. Although they gave me the present a little early. It's like green. Well... I THINK IT'S SO DAMN PRETTY LA! Although I can't find anywhere I can hide my handphone in the bag. Nvm.. IT ROCKS!!! x)

12:00 PM

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ok... after waiting for like over 20 minutes for the wireless network connection thingy. I unplucked the laptop charger thingy and brought the laptop to the dining table. So... FINALLY there is internet.
Ohhh.. there was internet connection 30 minutes ago. And I went to Joshua ng's blog. And... umm... it was kinda interesting. Uhhh.. On a second thought... IT WAS LAME!!! haha. but cause I couldn't write something better than he did. I'm gonna say it rocks... x)

Ohhh.. Jaslyn's sick. Ohhh.. how do I know? well... this is how it goes... It started from this morning.
I woke up at dunno what time. Stared into blank air. Then climbed out of bed at 7.30. Tied my hair. Brushed my teeth , then went to read the comic from 'Lifestyle' (a newspaper). Ok. Then I got bored. So.. I went to Eileen and Jaslyn's room. Sat on jaslyn's bed. looked around. Started to freeze cause of the air con. Looked at Jaslyn wrapped around with the blanket. Got jealous, hugged jaslyn's boster. Started to freeze again. Put back the boster. And went out of their room into mine.
So... I lied down onto my bed. My head on the pillow, Arms and Legs hugging the boster. Then slept. AGAIN! Ok... then I woke up. And... uh... it was like 9.30. Opened my eyes, and stared. Then went out of bed at 10.15 (btw... if you dunno. After I wake up everyday, I'll stay in bed for about at least 30 minutes before climbing out of my bed. Even if it is the school days. :P)
Oh. Ok. So.. I went into Jaslyn's room again. This time, Eileen was gone. So, I got to lie onto her bed. Then I stared at Jaslyn. Then i think i said something to her or something like that. Then I on the tv in her room and started watching it. It was originally channel 33. Then I switched to 32, 35, 56, so on and so far.
Then later Jaslyn said she couldn't breathe. Well... all I did was on the fan and faced it to her. (ohh... did i mention that before I lied on eileen's bed, i went to off the aircon. :P) Ok.. then she said she was feeling sick or something like that. I didn't care. Cause the day before, I said I couldn't breathe and said I was feeling dizzy too. But it was probably cause the room was stuffy. So I thought she was feeling sick cause the room was stuffy.
Ok, then my mother came into the room. She told us to go to the market with her, and my dad. I don't like going to the market with her. Cause that'll mean that I'll have to take most of the things. Well... suddenly, jaslyn said that she felt sick. And my mother walked away and took her um.. medical oil or something like that. Then she started rubbing jaslyn's head with the oil. I think. I dunno. I was watching tv!
Then later my dad came in. And she told him that jaslyn was running a fever or something like that. Then later they were like 'OH GOSH! SHE'S RUNNING A FEVER'. Well.. not exactly... they only said that she was running a slight fever. Then I went to brush my teeth again. So did jaslyn.
Ok. So, even if jaslyn was running a fever, we still had to go to the market with my dear sweet mother. =.= Ok.. reached the market. Mum got out of the car. Went to buy stuff. Dad, me and jaslyn still in car. Waiting for a parking space. I think jaslyn said like dunno how many times "I shouldn't have came". I just looked at her. and then looked away. Ok.. FINALLY! We found a parking space. Then my dad reversed and then parked the car la. We got out. And went to the market. The floor was slippery, like usual. Then Jaslyn rest her head on my shoulder. Well.. I could tell she was REALLY SICK! If not she wouldn't do something as disgusting as that.
Then she started saying she was very sick. Then my dad told her to sit on the chair. (A plastic kind). Ok. Then all of a sudden, she said she wanted to puke. Well.. I thought it was only a feeling. So I kinda didn't care. Then she repeat. Well.. I didn't really care this time too cause I always say I feel like puking after getting out of the car. And I end up NOT puking. But I still tapped on my dad's shoulders and told him that Jaslyn wanted to puke. Ok.. when we turned around. I stared at her. And then she said once more "I'm gonna puke..". AND SHE STARTED VOMITING!!!! I think I could see some vege we ate yesterday. For example, carrrot. I could see the colour. Oh ya. So she was vomiting. And I simply stared at her. Although some of the vomit was um.. on my leg. But some only la.
ohhh. So... Jaslyn finally stopped vomitting. Then she went to sit on another chair. (My father told her to sit on another chair. ) Then later. my dear sweet mother appeared. Then she gave my dad tissue. To wipe his leg with.
oh. So me and my dad ended up carrying the stuff. I think I carried more than him. Ok. So.. carry carry carry to the car. Then later my mother said she's gonna buy something hot for jaslyn to eat in chinese. Well... Jaslyn said that she didn't wanna eat and she wanted to go home. And I think it was the third time my mother said she was gonna buy something hot for her to eat. And also the third time jaslyn replied back with a no.

Ok.. so drive back home. My mother and I took all the things from the boot and put them in the lift. I think Jaslyn took one of the items into the lift. But my mum probably didn't see. Ok. Then later press 12 storey. The lift went up. And then later opened. Ok. I tried to take as many plastic bags filled with things with one hand. And then my mother too. When I was gonna take the ice box with my other hand. My mother told me to like, not let jaslyn take anything. But the problem is that IT WAS SO DAMN OBVIOUS I DIDN'T HAVE SO MANY HANDS TO TAKE SO MANY THINGS!!!!!! Ok. So I was like "should I take the ice box or the rice?" Then LUCKILY jaslyn took the rice. And I took the ice box. Ok. Went into house. Put stuff. Jaslyn went back to her room. Me too. Then she lied down on her bed. Complaning that she told my mum 3 times that she didn't want to eat at the market. Then I think I smsed Joshua to tell him that Jaslyn was sick. Well. Jaslyn got a message from him. And instead of asking her to get well soon... HE TOLD HER THAT HE HAD SORE THROAT AND HE WAS OSO SICK!!!! And Jaslyn replied back "Hope you get well soon".
Then me, my dad and my mum went down to gek poh to eat. Well. there weren't many people. So there were alot of seat. I wanted to eat porridge. Then my dad gave me ten bucks. Ok.. so... I started looking and looking and looking. but there were NO porridge. Ok. so I ended up eating some kind of noodles. The same thing as my parents. Ok.. then I told my mum that there were no porridge. (Jaslyn has requested us to get her porridge) So... my dad decided to cook porridge for her. Then he called back home to my maid and told her to prepare the meat. Then he asked her if she wanted to eat porridge he's gonna make or she wanted us to buy her a packet of chicken rice. Well.. surprisingly... she said she wanted to eat the porridge. Ok.. so... my mother told me to buy eggs and bread. Then my dad gave me the money.

Ok.. so I went to buy the things she wanted me to. Well.. my dad followed me. Then after I got the eggs and the bread. I went to pay for the items. Ok. then I tried to find my dad. Which wasn't difficult. Cause he was like.. as tall as Joshua ng and he had a big tummy. So... after getting the things he wanted, he went to pay for them. Ok. This is gonna sound stupid. Then he took the bread that I paid already from the prime mart plastic bag and asked the person to scan that too. I stared for like 5 seconds in shock. Then I finally managed to say that the bread was already paid for. I mean.. THE BREAD WAS INSIDE THE PLASTIC BAG!!!!

Then my dad and I went near the outside of prime mart. Then he gave me everything (the stuff he bought) and told me to wait outside. Ok. So... I stoned there. Looked at the ATM machine. Then look at the bus stop. Then continue stoning. Then, they finally came out. And my dad was holding something in his hands. I think he bought something again. Nvm.. that's not the point. Ok.. for some awkward reasons, he took the stuff from my hands except for the egg and the bread. Then later my mother told me to give her the eggs as she thought I would crack the eggs or something like that. FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!!! I'M OLD ENOUGH NOT TO CRACK THE EGGS! Nvm.. Then later... cause I was only carrying the bread. She said that I was being lazy by not carrying summore things. WHAT THE HELL!!! Well... I got pretty pissed. Nvm...

Then later we went back home. Then my father started cooking the porridge. Then later cook finish already. Then Jaslyn came out of her room. And said she didn't have appetite to eat. Oh ya. Umm.. the porridge was made for 4 ppl. So... my father and I ate the porridge. Although we just ate at the food court just now. But I wasn't really full.. even after finishing my cup of cherry F&N..

Ok.. then later watched tv. Jaslyn got better. Then later she went to use the com. Her prince edward wasn't online. So... I think she got bored pretty soon and told me I could use the com. And she lied on her bed again. Ok... when I was using the com.. my dad came in and asked if I wanted to go with him to queensway.. well... I said No. He even asked if I wanted a new pair of shoes. My shoes weren't spoil. And my legs didn't grow enormously fast like usual. I simply said that my shoes were dirty. x)

Ok.. so... he asked Jaslyn if she was feeling better. Then my mum came in. And then told her to eat panadol or what. Ok... I was pretty jealous. IT'S NOT LIKE THEY CARED SO MUCH WHEN I WAS SICK!!! Ok.. maybe they cared even more. BUT FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE. SHE'S ALRIGHT ALREADY!!!!!!!! Ok.. but I still kept quiet. And continued to read Joshua Ng's blog. Oh ya. FYI!!! my photos when I was a kid was FAR LESSER THAN MY SISTERS!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!! Nvm...
Ok.. so read read read. Then later I tried to um.. go to blogger in another window..
Ok.. Then i wrote this extremely lame blog. (And I shall copy JOSHUA!!!)
thankyou all my nonexistent supporters/blog readers.

4:25 PM

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Yesterday went to plaza singapura. Then saw ALOT OF NICE NICE STUFF!!! WOOHOO!!! And I think I have great ideas for what to get my friends next year during christmas! X)
Ok... Yesterday was.. um.. tiring. SHALL NOT TALK BOUT IT!!! XD

Oh ya. (message to waimun)
Sorry if i caused alot of trouble for you and your friends for the class party. Ohhh. And I think I will be going. XD


12:17 PM

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

LOL!!! I'm SOOOO evil. (If malcolm is reading this post, then i'm not evil. XD)
Ok... Jaslyn and I were planning to go bishan library. But I end up watching the golden compass with my friends. x)
So... she had to go by herself. Haha... at least she told me that she went to the library by herself. ;)
So... I left the house n went off to watch the movie with my friends! Ok... so.. we went to jp. AND WE HAD TO WAIT FOR WINNIE'S FRIENDS! FOR SO DAMN LONG! Hahaha. Not very long la. x) Ok.. so.. bought food and drinks. THEN CHI HON SPILLED HIS WATER OUTSIDE THE THEATRE! (as in.. it's still the floor. not the carpet thingy) Ok... so.. basically... I was laughing away seeing everybody tripping. But sadly... nobody fell. XD
THEY OBVIOUSLY DID NOT SEE WHERE THEY WERE GOING! Actually.. They did. But they didn't see that the floor was OBVIOUSLY wet! EVEN AFTER WE WERE ASKING THEM TO NOT WALK THAT SIDE! nvm... they couldn't hear us anyway.. x)
So.. it was not their fault. HAHA!

Ok... the movie was not so interesting. Maybe it's cause jaslyn told me bout the story already. Well.. I certainly was enjoying myself when the two bears fought. Actually.. I was laughing away.. Haha. The good bear makes me remember of mervin. And when the two bears fought.. it looked like it was mervin hugging keshant or fariz again. HAHAHA!!!

Ok.. so.. after the movie... people went home. Then I was wandering about with Wan xuan... ok.. then after that her uncle went to fetch her.. So... I decided to wait for jaslyn.. Since it's only like 6 stops away. Ok.. so after I saw her... we went to eat. Ok.. not really considered eating. just some food. YUP!

Ok... then we started walking around jp like mindless idiots. x)
Then me and jaslyn went into this CD shop. and she saw a full metal alchemist CD. But the description thingy was written in chinese. SO SHE WAS PRACTICALLY READING THE CHINESE WORDS ALOUD!!! She was like a monk. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! XD

Ok.. hmm.. so... we decided to find some present for a certain person.
Well... everything was a NO! Ok.. hmm... Just read the following text and you'll understand. =)
So.. walked into some shops. kathleen : 'water bottle?' jaslyn : 'too ugly.'
kathleen : 'shirt?' jaslyn : 'we dunno his size.'
jaslyn : 'stuff toy?' kathleen : 'CANNOT!!! he sensitive. I think.'
walked into different shops.
kathleen : 'Hey. This one can? (points to nike water bottle 500ml) jaslyn : 'cannot. He must drink like 1 litre of water at least.' kathleen : 'How bout we get 2?' jaslyn : =.=

Ok.. so we started playing with the shirts at the sport shop thingy. Haha. Then I saw a liverpool thingy shirt. Hahaha. Then I asked jaslyn if it was alright. jaslyn : 'I don't think he would like a big carlsberg word printed on it.'
Then.. jaslyn saw a SUPER SHORT shorts. (women clothing) AND IT WAS TIGHTS! jaslyn : 'imagine joshua in that' *laughs together*
kathleen : imagine joshua in a bikini. *LAUGHS AND LAUGHS AND LAUGHS TOGETHER*
Haha. I dunno how we could imagine him in stuff like that.. x)

Ok.. so.. after going into MANY MANY SHOPS!!! we still couldn't find anything suitable. =.=''
Then we went into precious thoughts. Then we saw alot of cards. Then we started taking every card out and opening them. HAHA!
*interuption : we didn't only do this once. we did this MANY times before. As in.. shop for stuff. for that um.. person. Ok. I was desperately finding a cow. but.. since nothing will fit him.. =.=''*
Ok.. so after the cards thingy.. my dear sweet mother sms me and asked me where I was. I told her I was at jp la. THEN SHE TOLD ME TO BUY COFFEE SWISS ROLL!!! =.= And i thought she cared bout me. *sobs...*

Ok.. so we got out of the place. And then buy the cake. Oh ya. on the way. WE SAW TOM AND JERRY!!!! YIPEE!!! THEY WERE DANCING!!! Ok.. so we got the cake. and went home. AND THERE WERE SOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY PEOPLE. (than usual) Ok.. so... went home lor.

Ok.. EXTRA DETAIL!!!! JASLYN WAS SMSING EDWARD ALL DAY LONG!!! ( this is a secret between us. ;) )
BYE!!! (ok.. jaslyn called me an asshole cause I put in that extra detail. WAHAHHA)

11:19 PM

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hmmm... ya. that's truer.
And oh ya. Jaslyn was um... looking at Jing yi's blog's pictures and some of the conversations. And... hmmm... the conversations she had with joshua ng seems so um... unlike him? Ok... either he's faking it or he completely changed in character.
OK FINE! It sounds like him. But a weird thing is that he doesn't say ''Brb.. I need to crap." in his conversations. HAHAHAHA!!!!

Maybe I shall go bishan library tomorrow! WAHAHA! Never been there before. CAUSE IT'S SO FAR!!!!!!!! I LIVE ALL THE WAY AT THE WEST!!!! =.=
Nvm.. it's not like I'm going to east coast park or anything like that. Hahaha. Just a couple of stops away. x)

Ohhh... didn't know malcolm was an elder brother till yesterday. Haha. >.<
I think I'm getting sick... =(

OH YAY!!!! 14 more days till christmas!!! JINGLE BELLS JINGLE BELLS JINGLE ALL THE WAY!!! Great. I'm gonna get 2 in 1 presents again. Haha. lalala.
When is the next time we're gonna have a class outing? Hmmm... I dunno.
Even if there's a 6-7'07 class outing. I wouldn't be invited. They'll just complain that I made too much noise. So... hmm... TATA 6-7'07!!!!

Ohhhh!!! I shall go cook something for myself to eat. YIPEE!!!!
K... tata for now!!!

2:47 PM

Monday, December 10, 2007

Lol. I know i'll sound mean in this post. XD

I'm quite happy to be leaving pioneer. Cause I have ultra ultra lots of stupid memories inside. OK! I shall be saying my goodbyes to the people I HATE! Hahaha!
But.. I'll still miss my friends. Hahaha. But not that many. Cause... um... some friends turned out to be idiots. haha.
On a second thought, once i get into my secondary school... i won't even care bout primary school. HAHAHA!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

Hmmm.... I think that the people i'll miss in my class has less than 10. Lol!!!
Let's see... Keshant, Marcus, Melvin, Howard, Mervin n bla bla bla. Haha. Some of them hates me alot. But too bad for them. x)
For girls... I'm not quite sure. Dun think I'll miss them. In fact. I hate quite alot of them. Fine... maybe some. But we'll sure keep in contact. So what's there to miss? I'm not sure... =(

Well... all I can say is. PRIMARY SCHOOL LIFE SUCKS!!! at least for me la... x)
Ok!!! BYE~~~

6:49 PM

Sunday, December 09, 2007

OK! Uh... PICTURES OF... Lim yong wei malcolm? or sth like that. XD

Hahaha.. He looks cute... doesn't he? LITTLE BOY!!!! Oh. He's 13. Same class as Joshua Ng. Haha. Joshua says he's good looking. HE'S CUTE LA! Hahahaha... Lalallalala. So ke lian. Kena sabotage by me. LOL!!!!! BYE~~~

5:44 PM

Saturday, December 08, 2007


OK! Here they are....

LOL!!! Joshua smiling. WAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! Observe his smile... HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Ok... let's not talk about him... XD
I was reading a library book. N I found out something. If I want to borrow a book from the library, I think I should borrow a book from the young adults section instead of the adults section. Cause they tend to um.. talk about some stuff that are not meant for me. And I dun like it. AHHAHA!!!! MY ADVICE TO U !!! =P
N oh ya. I recommend U ALL to the following books. Cause they're quite nice. For me. Hahaha.

'Red sky in the morning' By : Elizabeth Laird
'The name of the game was murder' By : Joan Lowery Nixon (Most of her books are kinda creepy.. Haha)
'Tuesdays with morrie' By : Mitch Albom

(I'm not quite sure who're the authors.. Lol)
Northern Lights
Holes by Louis Sachar
Silent to the bone
Percy Jackson and the lightning theif

Yup! Oh ya. A STUPID ENCOUNTER AT THE STUPID LIBRARY!!! ( Actually the library rocks... XD )
Ok... At Jurong Community Library right. There's this um.. can eat de place. Then right. There oso can go out. Ok. Me and Cindy walked out of the 'gate sensor' thingy la. Then later IT BEEPS!!!!!!!!!! =.= Everybody looks at us. I was like 'CINDY!!!!!' Hahahah. Then we checked cindy's books and saw that we had already borrowed hers. Then I checked mine. And I said 'hahha.. I didn't borrow this. ' LOL! Then later I went to borrow at there la. Then later try to get out of the thingy again. THEN BEEP AGAIN! Then later I checked my bag. Took everything out la. All eyes on me and cindy again. Then I shouted ' WAH SIAO! IF U MAKE THAT BEEP AGAIN I REMOVE U AH!!!' Or something like that. Ok... So... we tried again... AND IT BEEPS.. AGAIN!!!!!

Ok.. so... I took my books out AGAIN!!!! and then see if got forget to borrow anything. Cindy too. Ok.. this continued for a LONG LONG TIME!!!!! Then we decided to go through the bigger one la. The main entrance de. AND IT DID NOT BEEP!!!!!!! WASTE TIME!!!!! HMPH!

Hahahha. Stupid encounter eh? Lol...
Oh ya... um.. the following message is for Joshua.

LOL! HAHAHHA! Oh ya. I think he read like the rest of the book (which is like 50 pages) in 20 min. Lol. STUPID GEPER!!!! WAHAHHA!!! LOL!


11:25 PM