Thursday, November 29, 2007

Have been sleeping very late these few nights... Woke up at 2pm this morning. I ROCK!!!! =P
Ohhh... LOOK AT THE PHOTO!!!!! SO DAMN CUTE!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! N... the guy in the brown shirt is the guy in the uh.. liney shirt. Ya. He just grew n grew n grew. Until he's 177. N he's still growing. ohhh... Jaslyn says that he doesn't really look like that. I mean. The first picture. He has bigger eyes. Laalalalalalalalala. I'm pretty bored right now... Can't wait to find out which school I would be going to... =P
Hmmm.... shall be posting more photos of Joshua soon. HAHAHAAH!!!! Shall find his baby photos one days. Oh! N btw, he got exempted for his english. =.=
N he started going for chess competitions since k2. WHOA!!! Lol...

12:03 AM

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Ok... let's talk bout him.

He has 2 siblings. One little sister who is currently p5 and one lil brother who is currently p3!!!

He got 262+1 for his psle!

He's currently in HCI!!!!

He has myopia. 500+ degrees! OMG!

He rarely talks to ppl. =.=

Well... he talks to me in msn! WOOHOO!!! I ROCK!!!

He's 177! Whoa...

Uh... he likes to wear comfortable clothing. uhuh. Who wouldn't?

He started reading encyclopedias from a very young age.

=) (I made this post cause I want to make him pissed. WOOHOO!!! I ROCK!!!)

1:29 AM

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I got damn bad. I cried.
Great. Can't go into the school i wanted to go into. =(
I got 253. While my sisters got 271 and 274.
Damn disappointed.
Can't even choose a good school.

7:10 PM

Sunday, November 11, 2007

LOL!!! These few days very fun!!! Friday damn damn damn damn damn damn FUN!!!!
Let's skip some parts la... Ok... skip playground. Skip bicycle. Skip stuff etc etc.
OK!!!! here we are. At the pioneer gate c de playground. WOOHOOO!!!! damn fun!

First we played blind mice. Then later badminton. YUP! And there were some ppl from west grove. Lol. Um... one white one fat one short one wearing blue shirt. Ya. So... the blue shirt guy was plaeing with Yan da. Then later I was at there laughing at the fatty. Actually... I didn't want to be so mean at first. But who call he say my friend. I bu shuang. Then later me and glenn at there say he pig lorrr...He damn pissed. XD

Ya... oh ya... the boys at there say my friends what... then they say that their friend got 1000 dollars racket. Ya. So right... I was trying to be sacarstic. I was like... "WAHH!!!! $1000 LEH!!!" or sth stupid liddat. Then for the whole time I was being sacarstic. And what really pissed me. Was that the fat idiot said i was innocent. INNOCENT?!?!?! ME?!?!?!?! WHOA!!!! I INNOCENT LEH!!! SHIOK!!! Oh ya. So i give the diao look, and was thinking that they're so stupid to think i was trying to be innocent instead of sacarstic. The two words are just not the same.

Aiya.... the stupid part was that i was talking to them then some ppl were telling me that they were perverts etc etc. -.-
Perverts. -.-"

Ok... Saturday was not that fun. But it still was fun!!!! I was bored. So I went down to the playground. N i was the only one there. Nvm... So... instead of going back home... I sat on the playground. And started to see all those things people write on the playground. So cool...

Ya... Then later just sit there. Then ppl thought i was some kind of lunatic. =D
Ohhh.... Suddenly... the yan da came down. Then I was like... "How come u at here?"
Then he say he was waiting for glenn lor.
So glenn come down...
Then some ppl playing at the badminton court. So... we had to play another place lor. Bla bla bla bla bla. Ya.
Skip some parts.
Ok... so yanda went home. Then later me n glenn at there siao. Then got three kids. We bluff them say we ghost. Lol. They believe. Haha. Then they damn scared. At last tell them we not ghost. Then they alright le. But when me n glenn going home. Damn scared. Damn dark lehx... Hahahaha. K la. I go do my true friend test. BYE!!!

3:59 PM

Friday, November 02, 2007

I realised that for all these years, I always keep everything to myself. But a friend of mine told me that it's alright to voice out what u think. So... maybe i'm just gonna listen to her.

I really HATE what's going on right now. Some idiots really get on my nerves. They seem to be so innocent yet, they're not la. I know I hate what's going on now. But it's wrong to interfere. It's like they will affect me in whatever they do. Yet they dunno bout it. Great la. I'm stuck in the middle.

Surely one of them is gonna get hurt. It's quite sad. Really. Seeing your friends cry." There's no happy endings. " "at least for me" this was what she said... Happy endings do occur. Right?

Sometimes, i just wish i could just say this to all of them. "FUCK YOU! GET A GRIP OF YOURSELF LA! YOU KNOW WHAT U'RE DOIN IS REALLY STUPID?" but great. I can't say that. Cause it's just plain dumb. so... I end up saying stuff like... " It's alright la. Just don't think bout it. Cause it's not as bad as u think it is. Things may turn out differently"

I have to comfort them. But who in the world would comfort me? I'm indirectly hurt la. =(
Evrybody that I once trusted goes away. And leave me all by myself. They'll just say things like "go to your friends la"

There was this once la. In p1 or p2. I had this friend. And she's damn nice. But I think the starting of this yr she hated me la. Dunno why. But after awhile shld be alright le.
Sometimes, just sometimes, friends that are always there for u leaves u. And u are with people that u were never close with.

And believe me.
Miracles DO happen. They really do.

8:36 PM