Friday, August 31, 2007

K.... Today did lots of stuff.....

In the morning, we played the what balloon thing. Actually, I simply fill the balloons with water. Ok. Then later people play play play. Then the principal say cannot. Then they still play. Then make the place very wet and messy. Me and WX had to go n pick the balloons up.

Then later we go bball court and play the ice man game. Walao. We catch the people they still run. -.-
Ok.... Then later what aces day then we go n do weird weird stuff. I seriously find it weird. The guy go n blow up his stomach. Then want us to see. -.-

Ok..... so we wanted to play bball. But Dinie kick the ball kick until Clarissa's ear. Then the whole thing red. Then she like cannot hear stuff liddat. So pitiful. What's more they didn't apologise. So.... Tell Mr vincent dass lor.... Then later blah blah blah. Then later Dinie got scolded by another teacher. Then clarissa's ear still pain. Then the general office dun wanna help say all oso dun haf. Then later teacher go help us then got the ice bag for the head.... -.-

So..... Clarissa's ear is pain. And we accompanied her. Until very late. I think. Then later the people go and massage the teachers. Then we oso go n make. Um.... not really massage.
Ok... so after that, Cindy took one of the thing and go make Mr tan's head. Then Miss lim saw and was damn angry. So we walk away to prevent ourselves from getting scolded.

Then, we went to the hall. And the watch the high school musical thing. Watched it for 30 +++++++ times le. So I could like memorise all the stuff they say.
Oh ya. The ice baggie. I wanted to return la. So we went down to the general office and give. Then later we told mr kelvin tan that the ice baggie thingy was useless. So he said lots of stuff.... BLAH BLAH BLAH. Ok, then later we got permission from him to rest in the classroom with Clarissa.

When we went into the classroom, there were like so many ppl. Didn't know why. So weird. Then right, they play play play. And I got pissed of by one person. Not going to say who.....
And then right.... after very long, the class came back.

Ok. Then huang lao shi go n read some compos of our classmates. Read Read Read..... Then later Miss tan come. Then say to us that Mrs Sim got into trouble for our watery floor. I think? Dunno la. Was sleeping.
Ok. Then I had a headache. AHHHH!!!!! Bad headache.

So after that, we lined up outside the classroom. not realli line up. Then I look down at the concourse. Then jaslyn was there. Ok. So I dashed down. And the she said that she was going out with her friends. So liddat lor.

Ok. Then I went to take the sbs bus with wan xuan. Then we saw 185 leave. Luckily, not long after, the next 185 came. And melvin and Howard took the bus. -.-

Then the bus stop at a stop. We saw Hui QI~~~~
She took the sbs bus cause he mother call her to la. Ok..... then later we in the bus talk lots of crap. And then blah blah blah.
Ok.... Then I reach home. My Hp was somewhere at my bed there la. Anyway, I have not been bringing my hp to school for 1 month le ba. Ok.... then later I took my hp. Got 8 miss calls. And then 7 were from the same person la.

The person oso send me one message. What meet at the mrt thing. So i asked who that peson was. Then later the person said blah blah blah.
Aiya. Sianz..... Now type type type.

Maybe I should rest la. Hmmm.... Dunno

1:59 PM

Monday, August 27, 2007

Haix.... Results back le.
NOT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok. First, Science. I got below average. Average : 84.5. I got 81. =(
Then English. I got 70/95
Then Chinese I got 82.5/90. Then the Chinese compo I got 36/40. yay!!!!

Haix.... Feeling very sick now. Having a running nose. Very dizzy. Wanna faint le. =(
Anyway. TIME FLIES!!!! So.... I have to work work work work work work work work HARD!!!

Anyway. I did very badly for my prelims except for some. =D


2:17 PM

Friday, August 24, 2007

Hahahaa..... exams over le. So happy. Oh wait. Still got LC. Haix..... pitiful pitiful me. =D
Anyway.... I got both good news and bad news!!!!! My Science got only 50 upon 60 for booklet A. That's bad..... Then my chinese and english sure get very bad.

But the good news is..... MY MATHS ROCK!!!!! Fine, I got one little careless mistake. My m write until cm. So liddat lor.... anyway.... I got 99.5/100
Hahaha.... Oh ya. Today de compo right.... Melvin like last minute then finish. LOL. Anyway.... I dun think I can even get 240 +++ for my PRELIMS!!!!!
Haix.... Nevermind la. Try harder for PSLE lor.....

1:58 PM

Friday, August 17, 2007

Hahahaha... As we waited at the hall.... We played alot of games. Um.... not exactly games. But.... it's fun!!!! Anyway.... I prefer sweet o cheese cheezels than the pizza de. It's much nicer.

Umm.... Elvin, Edwin and Howard were lying on the floor, closing their eyes. Um... Ya.
Then later they see teacher, immediately sit up straight.

Ok. Waiting room. Practice some stuff la. Then later talk talk talk. Also in class eat Jazlyn's Pocky. Everybody eat. I eat most la. =D

So later I went out and sit at the chair. Seriously bored. Then I was told to go to chair 2. Didn't have enough time to see finish the picture. But.... nevermind. I can still remember it in my brain. Haha. So liddat lor. Then later went in la. They just asked me my name and .....

So I just read and say the pict lor. Sian....

The best part about today was that I get to talk non-stop!!!! Haha. When I was at the holding room, I was like telling so much stories to my frenz..... It was so fun. LOL..... Then later dun haf say finish then have to seperate liaox..... Sad....

Then later Wx and me take the sbs bus. I went to prime supermarket to buy some sweets la.

Now, I'm half using the com half doing my maths assessment book ba. Wait. I think is 5/ 6 com 1/6 study ba. Haven't even do finish a question. hahaha. Just now sleep until like pig. WAHAHAHA.

7:30 PM

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Photos are unorganised la. =D

4:34 PM

On that day.....

I woke up at 5.45

Reached school at 6.30 (The time I usually wake up.)

In school went to 6-8 then saw a few people. N miss tan. I like her Elmo shirt.

Then bla bla bla.

Then later alot of people came. Hahax....

Then late we paint our own face then go down.


Then later go down help people paint face lor. Nice sia.

Um.... Shall post pictures later ba.

4:25 PM

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Wah seh. Oral damn lan leh.

For the english oral right. Like alright la. The teachers dun make me nervous. I'm glad.
Budden right. For the chinese one. I like vibrate vibrate. Vibrate until like cannot hear me talking liddat lor.

Haix.... Sad.... Nvm. Tomorrow will be a HAPPY day!!!! Hahahaha.
Mee Siam for recess. =D
Anyway. About today.

Was like playing with elvin. So fun. Budden right always play with the thumb thingy then I will lose. =(

Haix.... MY ORAL STINKS!!!! I'm like so sad bout it la. Dunno what to do. =(


Ok. Gtg. BYE~~~

2:39 PM