Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Today P.E la. Then our team go fight against the eh... wai mun team la. Wah seh... they damn aggressive la... Like snatch ball liddat. Damn funny. (They look so small. Yet, they are so evil!!!)

Tomorrow oral.... Dunno what to do. Just hope for the best and prepare for the worst la. Anyway... some people are really getting very stressful. Ya... cause of PSLE. Actually, no need to get so stressful la.. Stress will only make your life more difficult. =D

So right, listen to your teachers in class. No matter how boring the lesson might be.
Have to remember what the teachers tell you. If not die die.
And then bla bla bla.

Actually. i dun do that. =D
HAVE TO STUDY!!!!! for some reasons, I just can't put myself to study. I just dun have the mood to do so. Then right. Jaslyn told me that if I dun study. I'm DEAD!!!!! and my vocab really stinks compared to my two sisters. =(

EYE BAGS!!!!! AHHH!!!!! Damn bad la. Like panda. So I think I'll call myself. PANDA!!!! HAHA.... this guy called spongebob right.... um. nickname la. He very mean. Go and bully the chi hon. HAHAAHAH!!!!! So funny. Ya. anyway... he calls me patrick. GREAT!!!! Hahaha. So cute. =D


Oh. Um. I think I'm gonna end here.

Anyway... some tips on oral.
Dun ratter on. (Um... this is what Miss loh told me.)
Try to read with emotions! (Eh... I think I can la. Maybe not to dramatic.)
Try to Describe, Interpret and ELABORATE! Or explain la.
And last but not least. Evaluate!!!!

Hahahaha. LAP must DIE!!!!!

Sooooo.... GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

10:59 PM

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Feeling very bored now.....

Dun feel like going to school tomorrow. Dun feel like taking Prelims. Dun feel like sitting for PSLE. =(

But I DEFINITELY feel like going something on national day. But can't say what it is as it is a secret. Have been playing games. Alot of them. I'm SLACKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway... I dun really wanna get into RGS. I'm just telling everyone that I want to though i dun. Haix. It's like so stressful la. Sister who is in RGS sleeps at 3am due to homework. What do you think? Aiya. I'm trying to have a happy childhood while I can. But the problem is. PSLE IS COMING!!!!!!! Maybe i shouldn't be so stressed out. But it's a fact that PSLE IS COMING!!!


Headache. Headache. Headache.

I just can't bring myself to study. No mood to....
Promised that I would. End up not doing so.

I like to chiong at the last minute. Although it's already the last minute.... I still dun wanna study. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I'm so dead.

Maybe I shouldn't think so much. Should have a positive mind to everything. (ya right...)

Aiya.... maybe i shouldn't think so much. =D

4:43 PM

Saturday, July 28, 2007

English : Highest - Cindy (96/100)

Chinese : Highest - Wai Mun (49.5/50)

Science : Highest - Sheng Yang (50/50)

Maths : Highest : (Not sure. But I know got 6. Including me.)

HMT : Highest : Clarissa (58/60)

5:55 PM

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Cindy and Hui qi are at my house now....

And... oh ya... taling bout hui qi.... she looks so innocent. But she's NOT!!!!!!!!! Yesterdae right.... she go n shout here shout there shout everywhere. Anyway... she's afraid of the camera. or as some ppl say... camera shy.... HAHAHAHAH!!!!

Nth to write le... =D

3:38 PM

Topical test over... GREAT~~~ but Prelims and Psle is drawing near. So... maybe it's not so great after all....


English exam -Running nose

Maths - dun feel quite well....

Science - BAD BAD running nose

MT - Not sure....

HMT - Sharifah calling my name.... and poked me.... for some reasons...

Results for Topical test :

Maths : 50/50

Science : Practical test : 9/10 Um... Booklet A : 28/30 Booklet B : 19.5/20 (But I think I only got 17.5 cause the last question like wrong liddat.) Total (I'll just add Booklet A and B together la) : 47.5/5o

English : - 83/100

Chinese : - 44/50

HMT : - 51.5/60

Haix.... My Chinese damn bad. Everyone in class not get 48 then get 49. Nvm.... Just hope that nxt time will do better lor... =D

2:29 PM

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Haix.... PSLE coming le. So sad.... can't enjoy life le. :(

Anyway.... It has been a veh veh veh long time since i have posted a blog entry. And i think that I am too lazy to give the answers for the previous blog entry. =D

Have been very bored at home these few days. Nobody except me and my maid and my dog is at home. Parents come home late. Second sister comes home late too. The Eldest one = depends.

How I wish PSLE has already past. Then no need to be so stressful. But on the other hand. I still have little little bit of time to study. So.... actually it is a good thing that PSLE haven't over... =D

Injection day coming le. Haix.... I'm afraid of injections. Jaslyn said that the needle would inject through your skin, then the flesh then the muscles into the bone. *Hopes she was only kidding.*
I remembered last year for a certain period, I wasn't allowed to touch her arm if not she will be damn angry. HAHA. But sometimes I still puposely go and poke her arm. =D

Haix. Her left hand was more pain. So I have to tell the nurse that I am a left hander. If not I cannot write. Then homework must pass up with ugly ugly ugly ugly handwriting by my right hand. =D
(Maybe it is the time that I can practice using my right hand to write. =) )

Anyway... I got hit by the ball. Everything was blur. So painful!!!! =)
Ok... nevermind bout that.

Then after recess Si hui and Priscilla were presenting on JJ lin. Then I make um...little little bit noise? Then got SOMEONE right. Keep scolding me. =( It's as if he like si hui. I wish that they would live happily ever after. =) ( Just kidding la. Dun take it seriously.... )

Then later bla bla bla. Then miss tan come in. And then she go and say to everyone that if anyone sees edwin, melvin and bla bla making the projector thing again then tell her.. Then later she go and go through the questions. I think I was trying to work on my corrections. Yea...

Then later she ask if anyone got anything dunno. Then I shouted that I dunno. Then later bla bla bla. Forgot liao. Then at last I ask Jazlyn how to do. Then I know how to do le lor.

Then later after school.... I board the bus. Then later I went to sit with someone( dunno who).
Then later I ask keshant "your girlfren ah?" And then he was like. "u siao ah?" or sth liddat la. Then I said "Oh ya.... your girlfren is kuganesh" Then he go and say that the person i was sitting with and kuganesh and some other people is one gang. Then I was like "Oooooh". Then later I said "But that time u tell me that u like kuganesh!!!" Then he like kinda annoyed but not angry. AHAHA. I go n sabo him. So fun.

Oh ya. then go home.
Then on com. Then later in my msn messenger the onli person online was mellow. Yea... then later bla bla bla. Then liddat lor....

Hmmm... I think I gonna do the compo thingy le. =D Bye~~~~

1:04 PM