Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ok. I just read a story my oldest sister gave me a few years ago. It was sooooo difficult to read it that time. But it is soo simple now. Ok. Here's how the story goes...

There's this girl. Let's call her Mary. She is always top in class. And there's Mary's fren, Jane. She is always second in class. Everyboy in the whole school likes Mary. Even the bad boy in school. Let's call the bad boy John. Ok. Since Jane is Mary's best fren, everybody asks Jane to pass Mary a letter or something. This Jane likes John. One day, John asked Jane if she could pass a letter Mary. Jane agreed la. Then when Jane pass the letter to Mary, Mary pinned the letter on the board and showed everybody that letter. She summore said that John had no rights to like her. That made John veh veh sad.

John turned into a very horrible person. He went to drink and smoke and so on. As Jane realli liked John, she wrote letters to John, and told him that he should turn good and so on. But she left her name as Mary. They continued writing to each other. But Jane told John that they could not do three things. 1) They cannot talk to each other on the phone. 2) They cannot meet. 3) They cannot tell anybody about their relationship. John agreed. John turned into a very successful guy. And they had this renuion. Jane did not go. But Mary and John went. John danced with Mary and asked her if she would marry him. Mary agreed. Though she doesn't know what realli is happenning. But since John turned out to be so good, she doesn't mind. Although Jane is realli the person who has been sending the letters to him, he doesn't know. Jane asked Mary to have a happy life with John. Jane thought that this was already enough. It was already enough for John to be happy with his life. She did not care about her own life.

Thoughts : I think that the ending should not be this. I think that John should one day know that the person he was sending letters to was Jane. And he would be touched for what Jane has done for him. And thus be 2gether with Jane.

This is a true story. But it is supposed to be in chinese. Sorri for all the weird errors. I not veh good at translating. :P

1:06 PM

Saturday, March 10, 2007

My hair got cut... LOL... veh thin.... now people pull my hair veh easy tie back... LOL... then go yolanda's house..... then we talk about some stuff.... then bla bla bla.... then i go tok to the mother.... then the mother say that i veh... eh.... "dun care"? nvm... the we oso tok about someone else... then bla bla bla... then i go home... then watch little mermaid... IT ROCKS!!!!.... then tok to "the person" then plae game.... hahhaahhaxxx.... lame...

10:10 PM

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

This post is meant 4 a person. And well... those who know who i'm refering to must not backstab me and tell dat person bout this.

dun think i dunno that u tried to sabo me b4. dun think i dunno that u r taking everything from me. stop pretending. so what if u dun get good results? must you drag in my friends in it? must u cause everybody to do as bad as you? u cause EVERYTHING BAD to happen. believe me. i know. -.-" you b****

7:12 PM

Monday, March 05, 2007

4 some reasons..... i'm filled with mosquitos!!!!!! so itchy... scratching here and there... and..... it's everywhere!!!! on my arms... legs... and even foot!!!! yesterdae i watched "the pursuit of happyness" (if you think that i have spelt the happyness wrongly... well... it is just the title... ) I LOVE THE SHOW!!!!!!! it is like... veh interesting... will smith is a very good actor... especially when his real son is acting too.... LOVE THE SHOW!!!

3:24 PM

Friday, March 02, 2007

In class.... got some people go n draw me... one draw draw someone with spiked hair....Then school finally over...THEN.... the stupid boys summore go take my bottle..... and then say "really lost leh" then i dun care and just walk away.... then rite... i outside school already 4 some time le.... (ignoring the bottle) then... suddenly... melvin go n put my bottle into my bag... then i just walk.... -- after that.... I go board 185... (thought that the boys already go back school...) THEN.... wei sen.. justin... howard... n melvin suddenly board bus.... ( I was DAMN suprised then...)

Throughout the WHOLE busride... they have been like... IDIOTIC!!!! wa lao.... wanna punch the stupid cherry apple face.... I just look at him... then he think i like him.... then i look at howard... then he think i like him oso.... LUCKILY... melvin n wei sen dun haf say same thing... if not i already passed out le..... HAIX..... dunno what 2 do lor... then i FINALLY reached my stop... which made me feel much better... (I didn't really say the full thing... budden.... some stuff should not be said..)

2:26 PM

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Didn't really do well 4 examinations.... haix.... dunno how 2 tell parents that I got pretty bad.... even maths.... haix..... dunno what 2 do.... My brain is exploding la.... i think is cause i didn't study veh hard 4 exam ba.... that's why... or it's cause my foundation not veh good..... :(
my sister calling me to record the show tomorrow...have to go to parents' room n record.... ma fan.... what if forget leh? then die rite? walao... how 2 rmb? i mean... i dun even watch that show.... dunno why the cheryl n the dunno who keep watching.... that school filled with gays... LOL

7:47 PM