Friday, February 23, 2007

My brain is gonna explode... AH!!!! exam exam exam... today just finish higher chinese paper 1... actually dunno what 2 write... and oh ya... i think that cindy's theory abit weird... cause it doesn't make sense... hahaxx.. we sms here sms there... then later she call me... hahaaxxx... so funny lor... i ask her... who you like? then she answered a totally different answer.... it was like that... " i think 'he' looks even worse than 'the other guy'. not prejudice or anything" sometimes i wonder why cindy likes to use words that i usually dun understand... e.g : prejudice.... i know your english veh good... budden make it simpler 4 me mahx... :D hahahaxx....

Today dunno why got one guy say i lesbian... he gay lor (and i dun mean happy, i mean homo) oh ya....(the previous day) i was like... who you like? then i asked "jia en? crystal? yolanda? jazlyn? ..." all in one breath... actually i was just simply looking down the row..... then he say "no no no" then i ask ask ask... then all still no... then i finally said "howard ah?" then he smiled and bit his lower lip (dunno why he like to do that so much).... wahahahahahaha.... who's the homo now? Then rite.. he and a few people started jumping and running... then i tok tok tok 2 huiqi who was just beside me... then when i turned back to look... i saw him rolling and rolling on the floor.... it was extremely farni... then i laughed my guts out.... actually, i think that he run, then jump then land on floor, then roll roll roll.... LOL

Today... ting xie... then i like 3 wrong liaox.... haix... so sad... then rite... the higher mother tongue practice.... then teacher scold scold scold while i tok tok tok.... she veh bias.... was like "those who are improving are sally, sihui, yolanda, bla bla" like real lor.. even yolanda think she same marks as last time.... (should have copy yolanda's worksheet, haix... she got 53 while i got 42 and half... i rule!!!! budden veh weird leh... she was like how much u get? then i was like wan xuan got 44 and a half, then she said u leh? then i said 47 and a half...... then she was like suddenly pause liddat.... then like dun wanna say liddat... then i was like "OI!!!! SAY LEH!!!" then she showed the hand signal 53... and i was like.... "hahahaxx... i got 42 and half..." then she gave the diao look...)

After chinese lesson... i went in front to take a peek at sponge bear's worksheet... then after i saw the marks.... i suddenly became veh quiet... and sponge bear was like "sure worse than me de..." which was correct!! he got 51 and a half!!! (or 51... not sure) walao.... always liddat de.... idiot de la he.... think he in my comic then veh liao bu qi izzit?

Oh compo got 32... which was very uncommon... hahahxx.. was damn happy.... dunno why... i think i only 3 times get 30 sth... excluding 30 only... today was the third time... then stupid howard lum keep pulling my hair... hate him... then today we hit here hit there... then teacher saw him hit me.... then i was like laughing away....(not laughing at him) then teacher was like "even howard didn't laugh... why are you laughing?" then i tried not to laugh.... but i ended up laughing... hahaahxx... of course he won't laugh la... oso not i hit him de.... then teacher ask jolyn what was going on, the jolyn was like "they were playing" in her soft and squeaky voice... then teacher say huh? then she repeated... then teacher huh again... then she repeated... then bla bla bla... the freaky tootish retarded eyes teacher.... ahahahahxx....

7:25 PM

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I am now in school.... haix... after the lesson of atoms and electrons and protons.. my brain is really shut down.... ( my sister just had to refresh her memory) n now.... i am toking to hui qi... on msn... although she is just across.... dunno why feel soooo tired.... like wanna die liddat.... 2dae no higher mother tongue... :D budden... no higher mother tongue means more homework to be done at home... i hate it... sian... who call both my sisters oso get either 271 or 274 ... but luckily... i dun really haf to get 27 sth.... hahaxxx..... (if i could... it is good...)

Stupid melvin... block n block n block me... nvm... i oso block... :D he block... i block... I ROCK!!! oh yea... uhuh.... i rock.... and i'm so cute... can't stand the look on sb face... feel like punching it.... got the "hey everyone!!! hit me!!!" look... hahahaxxx... pitiful him....

8:04 AM

Friday, February 16, 2007

You freaky asshole idiot... think what... your head big that means you veh smart izzit? well.. you're WRONG!!! oh ya.... big head : conceited person... and i totally agree.... Now i get why everbody hates you... only idiots like ***** will actually appreciate you... and when you said that you respected us.... that is so not true... OBVIOUSLY... cause you never mean what you say... you think that the whole world has to respect you... i think that you brain got sth wrong... wait... i forgot.... you dun haf a brain... you only haf a head... a very HUGE one...

2:01 PM

Thursday, February 15, 2007

2dae we go computer lab.... then rite.... yolanda suddenly take the mic.... then say.... "you hear" ... then.... i took it.... then... i hear... then like mic liddat... HAHAHA!!! then i hearing people talk.... so funny lor... then me n yolanda go play the ant game.... after playing a long long time... i dun wanna plae le... then yolanda go n take the mouse click here click there... then make my ants die... TOOT!!!!! weird sia.... yesterdae valentine's day..... then it's the same day i got fever.... but.... my parents went out and celebrated valentine's day... WAH!!!! head pain pain...

Oh ya... melvin and ameera damn weird... i mean... THEY DUN WATCH CARTOONS!!!!! that is the weirdest thing i've ever heard.... melvin was saying "no wonder is lbs..." and i was giving the toot look.... then i exclaimed " YOU DUN WATCH CARTOONS?!?!?! " and he said... "i watch news".... and after that... "sports news"... then ameera was like " You watch cartoons? hahahaha.." WHAT"S WRONG WITH THAT?!?!?! toot... i like the shows at disney channel lor... nice mahx... oh ya... brother bear is coming soon at disney channel... :P

And oh ya... ameera was being very disgusting today lor... she was like... nvm... dun wanna tok bout it....

Oh ya.... today elvin kwek dun haf come... then i didn't realise even a bit... hahahahaxxx... so funny.... maybe it's cause i dun care... lalalala....

I remember last time rite... got fight with cindy.... hahahaxxx.... (sorry aniwae...) still feeling very sick now... i mean.... OF COURSE!!! haix... sometimes i just dun get it... hahaaxxx.... weird sia... then rite... both my siblings got what mortal and angel thingy... dun get a thing at all.. still can adopt wan lor.. then yesterday eileen got alot of valentine's day prezzie from her mortals and angels... and i was very jealous... i mean.... hey... c'mon.... why nobody gimme? so sad lor....

My handphone like got prob liddat lor... ppl call me.... then like always suddenly cut off liddat... and the stupid dinie guy... keep tripping me... toot... hahahaxxx... i didn't even know his name until yolanda told me... and i thought that dinie was spelled as "deeneey"... but that would be weird... won't it?

Was toking to howard yesterdae on phone... then i was like half awake half sleeping... then i keep calling him to call me wake up after 1 minute... then 1 more minute... then another minute...

Then today tok to cheryl on the phone.... she called me and asked... " the lottery thing when hand in ar?" then i was like " the ah boh thing ar?" then she say "ya" then i was like " I IN SCHOOL ASK YOU THE SAME THING THEN YOU SAY AFTER CHINESE NEW YEAR.. THEN NOW YOU ASK ME?!?!!?!?!?!?!?" hahahaxxx... then after that we chat chat chat.... chat bout bla bla bla... hahahaahxxx....

Oh ya... today i eat rite... then eat with the yolanda.... then yolanda was with mr koh... so technically... i was there too... haahahxxx... then rite... mr koh was eating his bread bought by his wife... then i open the plastic bag.. then i took out something... then rite... mr koh ask if the girls wanted to eat it... then the girls were like "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" hahahahaxxxx... it was damn disgusting.... then rite... mr koh was like... "you dun wanna eat then dun eat la... shout until liddat..." LOL... so funny lor.. then i talked in my "high-pitched" voice... actually... i didn't think that it was very high pitched until mr koh said so... then... melvin suddenly appear... then go tell mr koh to scold me cause i call mervin sponge bear... but... mr koh didn't care... WHICH IS A GD THING!!!
Hahahahaxxx.... oh ya.. the mervin marcus thing... (this happened not today aniwae...) mr koh was eating once again... and me and yolanda was eating in front of him.... then suddenly... mr koh go call a girl... then ask her to go n ask mervin to come to him... then the girl said "who is mervin?" then rite... mr koh said "he is the tall tall guy" and when the girl was going to search him at the basketball court... mr koh added " he veh handsome one..." and i was laughing... then rite... yolanda said " scully the girl look for marcus.." then we were laughing again.. then when i turned back... i saw marcus stop his basketball thing and turned to the girl and give the "what??" look.... then... he suddenly was running towards mr koh... that was when me and yolanda screamed like mad... then mr koh had no choice but to call marcus to transfer the message to mervin... hhaahahahaxx.... then i said "who call you go add the mervin veh handsome part... " hahahaxxx..... unbelievable....

3:42 PM

Saturday, February 03, 2007

This is very idiotic... if anyone ever does that to me... i'm gonna kill that person... literally...

10:03 PM

Friday, February 02, 2007

Todae ish damn farni... he is happily eating his noodles... (that's normal) ... Then rite... he go and buy more food... and then when i turned around... I SAW HIM STUFF THE FOOD INTO HIS MOUTH!!! hahahaxxx.. it was damn farni... actually wanted to take pict... budden... for some reasons... dun haf.... heex...

You may wonder who that "he" is..... I give you clue... It is a he... WAHAHAHA....
Sometimes I find myself very toot... budden rite... this is who I am la.... change 4 what?

Wahahhaa..... alot aloT ALOT of people find me very irritating... well... i oso find myself veh annoying... cause if I am not annoying... I would be those stupid stupid people.... sit there.... quiet quiet.... fake fake... feel like punching their faces type... actually.... people oso wanna punch mine...hahahaxxx... budden... i dun let them punch!!!

Photo taking... then some people take pictures until veh cute!!! (some ugly... not gonna sae whu) heex... like... girls take nice pict is like yolanda, clarissa...
boys is : ..... (can't sae... wanna noe.... ownself go ask me...)

Well... got nice sure got bad de... the not so good girls : me me me me me me me me me me me
the not so good boys : eh... if i sae a little mean ba... so better not sae...

Walao... so sad lor.... this "person" dun haf sit with the other "person"... sad... ain't it? (I CANNOT SAY WHAT I MEAN!!! IF NOT LATER THAT PERSON GO LOOK 4 ME!!!)

hahahahahaxxx.... my life not that bad la... only that I dun appreciate it... :P

11:41 PM